geomstats package#



geomstats.algebra_utils module#

Utility module of reusable algebra routines.

geomstats.algebra_utils.flip_determinant(matrix, det)[source]#

Change sign of the determinant if it is negative.

For a batch of matrices, multiply the matrices which have negative determinant by a diagonal matrix :math:`diag(1,…,1,-1) from the right. This changes the sign of the last column of the matrix.

  • matrix (array-like, shape=[…,n ,m]) – Matrix to transform.

  • det (array-like, shape=[…]) – Determinant of matrix, or any other scalar to use as threshold to determine whether to change the sign of the last column of matrix.


matrix_flipped (array-like, shape=[…, n, m]) – Matrix with the sign of last column changed if det < 0.

geomstats.algebra_utils.from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(vector, num_diag=0)[source]#

Create diagonal matrices from rows of a matrix.

  • vector (array-like, shape=[m, n])

  • num_diag (int) – number of diagonal in result matrix. If 0, the result matrix is a diagonal matrix; if positive, the result matrix has an upper-right non-zero diagonal; if negative, the result matrix has a lower-left non-zero diagonal. Optional, Default: 0.


diagonals (array-like, shape=[m, n, n]) – 3-dimensional array where the i-th n-by-n array diagonals[i, :, :] is a diagonal matrix containing the i-th row of vector.

geomstats.algebra_utils.rotate_points(points, end_point)[source]#

Apply to points the rotation from north_pole to end_point.

A QR decomposition is used to find the rotation that maps the north pole (1, 0,…,0) to the end_point, then this rotation is applied to the input points.

  • points (array-like, shape=[…, n]) – Points to rotate.

  • end_point (array-like, shape=[n, ]) – Point to parametrise the rotation.


rotated_points (array-like, shape=[…, n]) – Points after the rotation.

geomstats.algebra_utils.taylor_exp_even_func(point, taylor_function, order=5, tol=1e-06)[source]#

Taylor Approximation of an even function around zero.

  • point (array-like) – Argument of the function to approximate.

  • taylor_function (dict with following keys) –


    Even function to approximate around zero.


    Taylor coefficients of even order at zero.

  • order (int) – Order of the Taylor approximation. Optional, Default: 5.

  • tol (float) – Threshold to use the approximation instead of the function’s value. Where abs(point) <= tol, the approximation is returned.


function_value (array-like) – Value of the function at point.

geomstats.errors module#

Checks and associated errors.

exception geomstats.errors.ShapeError[source]#

Bases: ValueError

Raised when there is an incompatibility between shapes.

geomstats.errors.check_belongs(point, manifold, atol=1e-12)[source]#

Raise an error if point does not belong to the input manifold.

  • point (array-like) – Point to be tested.

  • manifold (Manifold) – Manifold to which the point should belong.

  • manifold_name (string) – Name of the manifold for the error message.

geomstats.errors.check_integer(n, n_name)[source]#

Raise an error if n is not a > 0 integer.

  • n (unspecified) – Parameter to be tested.

  • n_name (string) – Name of the parameter.

geomstats.errors.check_parameter_accepted_values(param, param_name, accepted_values)[source]#

Raise an error if parameter does not belong to a set of values.

  • param (unspecified) – Parameter to be tested.

  • param_name (string) – Name of the parameter.

  • accepted_values (list) – Accepted values that the parameter can take.

geomstats.errors.check_point_shape(point, manifold, suppress_error=False)[source]#

Check if the shape of point does not match the shape of a manifold or metric.

If the final elements of the shape of point do not match the shape of manifold (which may be any object with a shape attribute, such as a Riemannian metric) then point cannot be an array of points on the manifold (or similar) and a ValueError is raised. The error can be suppressed by setting suppress_error to True.

  • point (array-like) – The point to check the shape of.

  • manifold ({Manifold, RiemannianMetric}) – The object to check the point against

  • suppress_error (bool) – Whether to suppress the ShapeError if the shapes do not match. Optional, default is False.


shapes_match (bool) – Whether the shape of the point matches the shape of the manifold or metric.


ValueError – If the final dimensions of point are not equal to the final dimensions of manifold.

geomstats.errors.check_positive(param, param_name)[source]#

Raise an error if param is not a > 0 number.

  • param (unspecified) – Parameter to be tested.

  • param_name (string) – Name of the parameter.

geomstats.exceptions module#

Geomstats custom exceptions.

exception geomstats.exceptions.AutodiffNotImplementedError[source]#

Bases: RuntimeError

Raised when autodiff is not implemented.

exception geomstats.exceptions.NotPartialOrder[source]#

Bases: Exception

Raise an exception when less equal is not true.

geomstats.integrator module#

Integrator functions used when no closed forms are available.

Lead author: Nicolas Guigui.

These are designed for first order systems of ODEs written as a spatial variable x and a time variable t:

\[\frac{dx}{dt} = force(x, t)\]

where \(x\) is called the state variable. It may represent many variables by stacking arrays, e.g. position and velocity in a geodesic equation.

geomstats.integrator.euler_step(force, state, time, dt)[source]#

Compute one step of the euler approximation.

  • force (callable) – Vector field that is being integrated.

  • state (array-like, shape=[…, n, dim]) – State at time t, corresponds to position and velocity variables at time t.

  • time (float) – Time variable.

  • dt (float) – Time-step in the integration.


point_new (array-like, shape=[…, n, dim]) – Variables at time t + dt.

geomstats.integrator.integrate(function, initial_state, end_time=1.0, n_steps=10, step='euler')[source]#

Compute the flow under the vector field using symplectic euler.

Integration function to compute flows of vector fields on a regular grid between 0 and a finite time from an initial state.

  • function (callable) – Vector field to integrate.

  • initial_state (tuple of arrays) – Initial position and speed.

  • end_time (float) – Final integration time. Optional, default : 1.

  • n_steps (int) – Number of integration steps to use. Optional, default : 10.

  • step (str, {‘euler’, ‘rk4’, ‘group_rk2’, ‘group_rk4’}) – Numerical scheme to use for elementary integration steps. Optional, default : ‘euler’.


final_state (tuple) – sequences of solutions every end_time / n_steps. The shape of each element of the sequence is the same as the vectors passed in initial_state.

geomstats.integrator.leapfrog_step(force, state, time, dt)[source]#

Compute one step of the leapfrog approximation.

  • state (array-like, shape=[…, 2, dim]) – State at time t, corresponds to position and velocity variables at time t.

  • force (callable) – Vector field that is being integrated.

  • time (float) – Time variable.

  • dt (float) – Time-step in the integration.


state_new (array-like, shape=[…, 2, dim]) – State at time t + dt, corresponds to position and velocity variables at time t + dt.

See also



geomstats.integrator.rk2_step(force, state, time, dt)[source]#

Compute one step of the rk2 approximation.

  • force (callable) – Vector field that is being integrated.

  • state (array-like, shape=[…, n, dim]) – State at time t, corresponds to position and velocity variables at time t.

  • time (float) – Time variable.

  • dt (float) – Time-step in the integration.


point_new (array-like, shape=[…, n, dim]) – Variables at time t + dt.

See also



geomstats.integrator.rk4_step(force, state, time, dt)[source]#

Compute one step of the rk4 approximation.

  • force (callable) – Vector field that is being integrated.

  • state (array-like, shape=[…, n, dim]) – State at time t, corresponds to position and velocity variables at time t.

  • time (float) – Time variable.

  • dt (float) – Time-step in the integration.


point_new (array-like, shape=[…, n, dim]) – Variables at time t + dt.

See also



geomstats.integrator.symplectic_euler_step(force, state, time, dt)[source]#

Compute one step of the symplectic euler approximation.

  • state (array-like, shape=[…, 2, dim]) – State at time t, corresponds to position and velocity variables at time t.

  • force (callable) – Vector field that is being integrated.

  • time (float) – Time variable.

  • dt (float) – Time-step in the integration.


  • point_new (array-like, shape=[…, 1, dim]) – Position variable at time t + dt.

  • vector_new (array-like, shape=[…, 1, dim]) – Velocity variable at time t + dt.

geomstats.varifold module#

(Oriented) varifolds related machinery.

General framework is introduced in [KCC2017]. See [CCGGR2020] for details about kernels. Implementation is based in pykeops ( In particular, see # noqa for implementation details.



Irene Kaltenmark, Benjamin Charlier, and Nicolas Charon. “A General Framework for Curve and Surface Comparison and Registration With Oriented Varifolds,” 3346–55, 2017.


Nicolas Charon, Benjamin Charlier, Joan Glaunès, Pietro Gori, and Pierre Roussillon. “Fidelity Metrics between Curves and Surfaces: Currents, Varifolds, and Normal Cycles.” In Riemannian Geometric Statistics in Medical Image Analysis, edited by Xavier Pennec, Stefan Sommer, and Tom Fletcher, 441–77. Academic Press, 2020.

geomstats.varifold.BinetKernel(init_index=0, dim=3)[source]#

Binet kernel.

\[K(u, v) = \langle u, v \rangle^2\]

Generates the expression: Square((u|v)).

  • init_index (int) – Index of first symbolic variable.

  • dim (int) – Ambient dimension.

geomstats.varifold.CauchyKernel(sigma=1.0, init_index=0, dim=3)[source]#

Cauchy kernel.

\[K(x, y)=\frac{1}{1+\|x-y\|^2 / \sigma^2}\]

Generates the expression: IntCst(1)/(IntCst(1)+SqDist(x,y)*a).

  • sigma (float) – Kernel parameter.

  • init_index (int) – Index of first symbolic variable.

  • dim (int) – Ambient dimension.

geomstats.varifold.GaussianKernel(sigma=1.0, init_index=0, dim=3)[source]#

Gaussian kernel.

\[K(x, y)=e^{-\|x-y\|^2 / \sigma^2}\]

Generates the expression: Exp(-SqDist(x,y)*a).

  • sigma (float) – Kernel parameter.

  • init_index (int) – Index of first symbolic variable.

  • dim (int) – Ambient dimension.

geomstats.varifold.LinearKernel(init_index=0, dim=3)[source]#

Linear kernel.

\[K(u, v) = \langle u, v \rangle\]

Generates the expression: (u|v).

  • init_index (int) – Index of first symbolic variable.

  • dim (int) – Ambient dimension.

geomstats.varifold.RestrictedGaussianKernel(sigma=1.0, oriented=False, init_index=0, dim=3)[source]#

Gaussian kernel restricted to the hypersphere.

If unoriented:

\[K(u, v)=e^{2 (\langle u, v \rangle ^2 - 1) / \sigma^2 }\]

If oriented:

\[K(u, v)=e^{2 (\langle u, v \rangle / - 1) - 1}\]

Generates the expression: * oriented: Exp(IntCst(2)*a*((u|v)-IntCst(1))) * unoriented: Exp(IntCst(2)*a*(Square((u|v))-IntCst(1)))

  • sigma (float) – Kernel parameter.

  • oriented (bool) – If False, uses squared inner product.

  • init_index (int) – Index of first symbolic variable.

  • dim (int) – Ambient dimension.

class geomstats.varifold.SurfacesKernel(position_kernel=None, tangent_kernel=None, signal_kernel=None)[source]#

Bases: object

A kernel on surfaces.

  • position_kernel (pykeops.LazyTensor)

  • tangent_kernel (pykeops.LazyTensor)

  • signal_kernel (pykeops.LazyTensor)

class geomstats.varifold.VarifoldMetric(kernel=None)[source]#

Bases: object

Varifold metric.


kernel (callable)

dist(point_a, point_b)[source]#

Squared distance.

  • point_a (Surface) – A point.

  • point_b (Surface) – A point.


scalar (float)

loss(target_point, target_faces=None)[source]#

Loss with respected to target point.

  • point_a (Surface) – A point.

  • target_faces (array-like, shape=[n_faces, 3]) – Combinatorial structure of target mesh.


squared_dist (callable) – f(vertices) -> scalar. Measures squared varifold distance between a point with vertices given wrt target_faces against target_point.

scalar_product(point_a, point_b)[source]#

Scalar product.

  • point_a (Surface) – A point.

  • point_b (Surface) – A point.


scalar (float)

squared_dist(point_a, point_b)[source]#

Squared distance.

  • point_a (Surface) – A point.

  • point_b (Surface) – A point.


scalar (float)

geomstats.vectorization module#

Decorator to handle vectorization.

This abstracts the backend type.

geomstats.vectorization.broadcast_to_multibatch(batch_shape_a, batch_shape_b, array_a, *array_b)[source]#

Broadcast to multibatch.

Gives to both arrays batch shape batch_shape_b + batch_shape_a.

Does nothing if one of the batch shapes is empty.

  • batch_shape_a (tuple) – Batch shape of array_a.

  • batch_shape_b (tuple) – Batch shape of array_b.

  • array_a (array)

  • array_b (array)

geomstats.vectorization.check_is_batch(point_ndim, *point)[source]#

Check if inputs are batch.

  • point_ndim (int) – Point number of array dimensions.

  • point (array-like) – Point belonging to the space.


is_batch (bool) – Returns True if point contains several points.

geomstats.vectorization.get_batch_shape(point_ndim, *point)[source]#

Get batch shape.

  • point_ndim (int) – Point number of array dimensions.

  • point (array-like or None) – Point belonging to the space.


batch_shape (tuple) – Returns the shape related with batch. () if only one point.

geomstats.vectorization.get_n_points(point_ndim, *point)[source]#

Compute the number of points.

  • point_ndim (int) – Point number of array dimensions.

  • point (array-like) – Point belonging to the space.


n_points (int) – Number of points.

geomstats.vectorization.repeat_out(point_ndim, out, *point, out_shape=())[source]#

Repeat out shape after finding batch shape.

  • point_ndim (int) – Point number of array dimensions.

  • out (array-like) – Output to be repeated

  • point (array-like or None) – Point belonging to the space.

  • out_shape (tuple) – Indicates out shape for no batch computations.


out (array-like) – If no batch, then input is returned. Otherwise it is broadcasted.

geomstats.vectorization.repeat_out_multiple_ndim(out, point_ndim_1, points_1, point_ndim_2, points_2, out_ndim=0)[source]#

Repeat out after finding batch shape.

Differs from repeat_out by accepting two sets of point_ndim arrays.

  • out (array-like) – Output to be repeated

  • point_ndim_1 (int) – Point number of array dimensions.

  • points_1 (tuple[array-like or None]) – Arrays of dimension point_ndim_1 or higher.

  • point_ndim_2 (int) – Point number of array dimensions.

  • points_2 (tuple[array-like or None]) – Arrays of dimension point_ndim_2 or higher.

  • out_ndim (int) – Out number of array dimensions.


out (array-like) – If no batch, then input is returned. Otherwise it is broadcasted.

geomstats.vectorization.repeat_point(point, n_reps=2, expand=False)[source]#

Repeat point.

  • point (array-like) – Point of a space.

  • n_reps (int) – Number of times the point should be repeated.

  • expand (bool) – Repeat even if n_reps == 1.


rep_point (array-like) – point repeated n_reps times.

Module contents#

Import main modules.