Source code for geomstats.algebra_utils

"""Utility module of reusable algebra routines."""

import math

import geomstats.backend as gs

EPSILON = 1e-6
    -1.0 / math.factorial(2),
    +1.0 / math.factorial(4),
    -1.0 / math.factorial(6),
    +1.0 / math.factorial(8),
    -1.0 / math.factorial(3),
    +1.0 / math.factorial(5),
    -1.0 / math.factorial(7),
    +1.0 / math.factorial(9),
INV_SINC_TAYLOR_COEFFS = [1, 1.0 / 6.0, 7.0 / 360.0, 31.0 / 15120.0, 127.0 / 604800.0]
INV_TANC_TAYLOR_COEFFS = [1.0, -1.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 45.0, -2.0 / 945.0, -1.0 / 4725.0]
    1.0 / 2.0,
    -1.0 / math.factorial(4),
    +1.0 / math.factorial(6),
    -1.0 / math.factorial(8),
    +1.0 / math.factorial(10),
VAR_INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS = [1.0 / 12.0, 1.0 / 720.0, 1.0 / 30240.0, 1.0 / 1209600.0]
    1 / math.factorial(3),
    1 / math.factorial(5),
    1 / math.factorial(7),
    1 / math.factorial(9),
    1 / math.factorial(2),
    1 / math.factorial(4),
    1 / math.factorial(6),
    1 / math.factorial(8),
    -1.0 / 6.0,
    7.0 / 360.0,
    -31.0 / 15120.0,
    127.0 / 604800.0,
INV_TANH_TAYLOR_COEFFS = [1.0, 1.0 / 3.0, -1.0 / 45.0, 2.0 / 945.0, -1.0 / 4725.0]
ARCTANH_CARD_TAYLOR_COEFFS = [1.0, 1.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 5.0, 1 / 7.0, 1.0 / 9]

cos_close_0 = {"function": gs.cos, "coefficients": COS_TAYLOR_COEFFS}
sinc_close_0 = {"function": lambda x: gs.sin(x) / x, "coefficients": SINC_TAYLOR_COEFFS}
inv_sinc_close_0 = {
    "function": lambda x: x / gs.sin(x),
    "coefficients": INV_SINC_TAYLOR_COEFFS,
inv_tanc_close_0 = {
    "function": lambda x: x / gs.tan(x),
    "coefficients": INV_TANC_TAYLOR_COEFFS,
cosc_close_0 = {
    "function": lambda x: (1 - gs.cos(x)) / x**2,
    "coefficients": COSC_TAYLOR_COEFFS,
var_sinc_close_0 = {
    "function": lambda x: (x - gs.sin(x)) / x**3,
    "coefficients": [-k for k in SINC_TAYLOR_COEFFS[1:]],
var_inv_tanc_close_0 = {
    "function": lambda x: (1 - (x / gs.tan(x))) / x**2,
    "coefficients": VAR_INV_TAN_TAYLOR_COEFFS,
sinch_close_0 = {
    "function": lambda x: gs.sinh(x) / x,
    "coefficients": SINHC_TAYLOR_COEFFS,
cosh_close_0 = {"function": gs.cosh, "coefficients": COSH_TAYLOR_COEFFS}
inv_sinch_close_0 = {
    "function": lambda x: x / gs.sinh(x),
    "coefficients": INV_SINHC_TAYLOR_COEFFS,
inv_tanh_close_0 = {
    "function": lambda x: x / gs.tanh(x),
    "coefficients": INV_TANH_TAYLOR_COEFFS,
arctanh_card_close_0 = {
    "function": lambda x: gs.arctanh(x) / x,
    "coefficients": ARCTANH_CARD_TAYLOR_COEFFS,

[docs] def from_vector_to_diagonal_matrix(vector, num_diag=0): """Create diagonal matrices from rows of a matrix. Parameters ---------- vector : array-like, shape=[m, n] num_diag : int number of diagonal in result matrix. If 0, the result matrix is a diagonal matrix; if positive, the result matrix has an upper-right non-zero diagonal; if negative, the result matrix has a lower-left non-zero diagonal. Optional, Default: 0. Returns ------- diagonals : array-like, shape=[m, n, n] 3-dimensional array where the `i`-th n-by-n array `diagonals[i, :, :]` is a diagonal matrix containing the `i`-th row of `vector`. """ num_columns = gs.shape(vector)[-1] identity = gs.eye(num_columns, dtype=vector.dtype) diagonals = gs.einsum("...i,ij->...ij", vector, identity) batch_shape = diagonals.shape[:-2] diag_index = abs(num_diag) left_or_right_zeros = gs.zeros(batch_shape + (num_columns, diag_index)) upper_or_lower_zeros = gs.zeros( batch_shape + (diag_index, num_columns + diag_index) ) if num_diag > 0: diagonals = gs.concatenate((left_or_right_zeros, diagonals), axis=-1) diagonals = gs.concatenate((diagonals, upper_or_lower_zeros), axis=-2) elif num_diag < 0: diagonals = gs.concatenate((diagonals, left_or_right_zeros), axis=-1) diagonals = gs.concatenate((upper_or_lower_zeros, diagonals), axis=-2) return diagonals
[docs] def taylor_exp_even_func(point, taylor_function, order=5, tol=EPSILON): """Taylor Approximation of an even function around zero. Parameters ---------- point : array-like Argument of the function to approximate. taylor_function : dict with following keys function : callable Even function to approximate around zero. coefficients : list Taylor coefficients of even order at zero. order : int Order of the Taylor approximation. Optional, Default: 5. tol : float Threshold to use the approximation instead of the function's value. Where `abs(point) <= tol`, the approximation is returned. Returns ------- function_value : array-like Value of the function at point. """ approx = gs.einsum( "k,k...->...", gs.array(taylor_function["coefficients"][:order]), gs.array([point**k for k in range(order)]), ) point_ = gs.where(gs.abs(point) <= tol, tol, point) exact = taylor_function["function"](gs.sqrt(point_)) result = gs.where(gs.abs(point) < tol, approx, exact) return result
[docs] def flip_determinant(matrix, det): """Change sign of the determinant if it is negative. For a batch of matrices, multiply the matrices which have negative determinant by a diagonal matrix :math:`diag(1,...,1,-1)` from the right. This changes the sign of the last column of the matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix : array-like, shape=[..., n , m] Matrix to transform. det : array-like, shape=[...] Determinant of matrix, or any other scalar to use as threshold to determine whether to change the sign of the last column of matrix. Returns ------- matrix_flipped : array-like, shape=[..., n, m] Matrix with the sign of last column changed if det < 0. """ if gs.any(det < 0): ones = gs.ones(matrix.shape[-1]) reflection_vec = gs.concatenate([ones[:-1], gs.array([-1.0])], axis=0) mask = gs.cast(det < 0, matrix.dtype) sign = mask[..., None] * reflection_vec + (1.0 - mask)[..., None] * ones return gs.einsum("...ij,...j->...ij", matrix, sign) return matrix
[docs] def rotate_points(points, end_point): """Apply to points the rotation from north_pole to end_point. A QR decomposition is used to find the rotation that maps the north pole (1, 0,...,0) to the end_point, then this rotation is applied to the input points. Parameters ---------- points : array-like, shape=[..., n] Points to rotate. end_point : array-like, shape=[n, ] Point to parametrise the rotation. Returns ------- rotated_points : array-like, shape=[..., n] Points after the rotation. """ n = end_point.shape[0] base_point = gs.array([1.0] + [0] * (n - 1)) embedded = gs.concatenate([end_point[None, :], gs.zeros((n - 1, n))]) norm = gs.linalg.norm(end_point) q, _ = gs.linalg.qr(gs.transpose(embedded) / norm) new_points = gs.matmul(points[None, :], gs.transpose(q)) * norm if not gs.allclose(gs.matmul(q, base_point[:, None])[:, 0], end_point): new_points = -new_points return new_points[0]
[docs] def columnwise_scaling(vec, mat): r"""Column-wise scaling. Equivalent to :math:`AD`, where :math:`D` is a diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- vec : array-like, shape=[..., k] Vector of scalings. mat : array-like, shape=[..., n, k] Matrix. Returns ------- column_scaled_mat : array-like, shape=[..., n, k] """ return vec[..., None, :] * mat
[docs] def rowwise_scaling(vec, mat): r"""Row-wise scaling. Equivalent to :math:`DA`, where :math:`D` is a diagonal matrix. Parameters ---------- vec : array-like, shape=[..., n] Vector of scalings. mat : array-like, shape=[..., n, k] Matrix. Returns ------- row_scaled_mat : array-like, shape=[..., n, k] """ return vec[..., :, None] * mat