Source code for geomstats.visualization.special_orthogonal

"""Visualization for Geometric Statistics."""

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # NOQA

import geomstats.backend as gs
from geomstats.geometry.special_orthogonal import SpecialOrthogonal

SO3_GROUP = SpecialOrthogonal(n=3, point_type="vector")

AX_SCALE = 1.2

[docs] class Arrow3D: """An arrow in 3d, i.e. a point and a vector.""" def __init__(self, point, vector): self.point = point self.vector = vector
[docs] def draw(self, ax, **quiver_kwargs): """Draw the arrow in 3D plot.""" ax.quiver( self.point[0], self.point[1], self.point[2], self.vector[0], self.vector[1], self.vector[2], **quiver_kwargs, )
[docs] class Trihedron: """A trihedron, i.e. 3 Arrow3Ds at the same point.""" def __init__(self, point, vec_1, vec_2, vec_3): self.arrow_1 = Arrow3D(point, vec_1) self.arrow_2 = Arrow3D(point, vec_2) self.arrow_3 = Arrow3D(point, vec_3)
[docs] def draw(self, ax, **arrow_draw_kwargs): """Draw the trihedron by drawing its 3 Arrow3Ds. Arrows are drawn is order using green, red, and blue to show the trihedron's orientation. """ if "color" in arrow_draw_kwargs: self.arrow_1.draw(ax, **arrow_draw_kwargs) self.arrow_2.draw(ax, **arrow_draw_kwargs) self.arrow_3.draw(ax, **arrow_draw_kwargs) else: blue = "#1f77b4" orange = "#ff7f0e" green = "#2ca02c" self.arrow_1.draw(ax, color=blue, **arrow_draw_kwargs) self.arrow_2.draw(ax, color=orange, **arrow_draw_kwargs) self.arrow_3.draw(ax, color=green, **arrow_draw_kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, points, ax=None, space=None, **point_draw_kwargs): if space == "SE3_GROUP": ax_s = AX_SCALE * gs.amax(gs.abs(points[:, 3:6])) elif space == "SO3_GROUP": ax_s = AX_SCALE * gs.amax(gs.abs(points[:, :3])) ax_s = float(ax_s) bounds = (-ax_s, ax_s) plt.setp( ax, xlim=bounds, ylim=bounds, zlim=bounds, xlabel="X", ylabel="Y", zlabel="Z", ) trihedrons = convert_to_trihedron(points, space=space) for t in trihedrons: t.draw(ax, **point_draw_kwargs)
[docs] def convert_to_trihedron(point, space=None): """Transform a rigid point into a trihedron. Transform a rigid point into a trihedron such that: - the trihedron's base point is the translation of the origin of R^3 by the translation part of point, - the trihedron's orientation is the rotation of the canonical basis of R^3 by the rotation part of point. """ point = gs.to_ndarray(point, to_ndim=2) n_points, _ = point.shape dim_rotations = SO3_GROUP.dim if space == "SE3_GROUP": rot_vec = point[:, :dim_rotations] translation = point[:, dim_rotations:] elif space == "SO3_GROUP": rot_vec = point translation = gs.zeros((n_points, 3)) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Trihedrons are only implemented for SO(3) and SE(3)." ) rot_mat = SO3_GROUP.matrix_from_rotation_vector(rot_vec) rot_mat = SO3_GROUP.projection(rot_mat) basis_vec_1 = gs.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) basis_vec_2 = gs.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) basis_vec_3 = gs.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) trihedrons = [] for i in range(n_points): trihedron_vec_1 =[i], basis_vec_1) trihedron_vec_2 =[i], basis_vec_2) trihedron_vec_3 =[i], basis_vec_3) trihedron = Trihedron( translation[i], trihedron_vec_1, trihedron_vec_2, trihedron_vec_3 ) trihedrons.append(trihedron) return trihedrons
[docs] def plot(points, ax=None, space=None, **point_draw_kwargs): """Plot trihedrons.""" ax_s = AX_SCALE * gs.amax(gs.abs(points[:, :3])) ax_s = float(ax_s) bounds = (-ax_s, ax_s) plt.setp( ax, xlim=bounds, ylim=bounds, zlim=bounds, xlabel="X", ylabel="Y", zlabel="Z", ) trihedrons = convert_to_trihedron(points, space=space) for t in trihedrons: t.draw(ax, **point_draw_kwargs)