Source code for geomstats.visualization.pre_shape

"""Visualization for Geometric Statistics."""

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D  # NOQA

import geomstats.backend as gs
from geomstats.geometry.matrices import Matrices
from geomstats.geometry.pre_shape import PreShapeSpace

M32 = Matrices(m=3, n=2)

S32 = PreShapeSpace(k_landmarks=3, m_ambient=2)

M33 = Matrices(m=3, n=3)
S33 = PreShapeSpace(k_landmarks=3, m_ambient=3)

[docs] class KendallSphere: """Class used to plot points in Kendall shape space of 2D triangles. David G. Kendall showed that the shape space of 2D triangles is isometric to the 2-sphere of radius 1/2 [K1984]_. This class encodes this isometric representation, offering a 3D visualization of Kendall shape space of order (3,2), and its related objects. Attributes ---------- points : list List of points to plot on the Kendall sphere. coords_type : str Type of the points. Can be either 'pre-shape' (for points in Kendall pre-shape space) or 'extrinsic' (for points given as 3x2 matrices). Optional, default: 'pre-shape'. pole : array-like, shape=[3,2] Equilateral triangle (north pole). ua : array-like, shape=[3,2] Tangent vector toward isosceles triangle at vertex A. ub : array-like, shape=[3,2] Tangent vector toward isosceles triangle at vertex B. na : array-like, shape=[3,2] Tangent vector such that (ua,na) is a positively oriented orthonormal basis of the horizontal space at north pole. References ---------- .. [K1984] David G. Kendall. "Shape Manifolds, Procrustean Metrics, and Complex Projective Spaces." Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 16, Issue 2, March 1984, Pages 81–121. """ def __init__(self, points=None, coords_type="pre-shape"): self.points = [] self.coords_type = coords_type = None self.elev, self.azim = None, None self.pole = gs.array( [[1.0, 0.0], [-0.5, gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0], [-0.5, -gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0]] ) / gs.sqrt(3.0) = gs.array( [[-1.0, 0.0], [0.5, gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0], [0.5, -gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0]] ) / gs.sqrt(3.0) self.ub = gs.array( [[0.5, gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0], [0.5, -gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2], [-1.0, 0.0]] ) / gs.sqrt(3.0) = self.ub - S32.metric.inner_product(self.ub, * = / S32.metric.norm( if points is not None: self.add_points(points)
[docs] def set_ax(self, ax=None): """Set axis.""" if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot(111, projection="3d") ax_s = 0.5 plt.setp( ax, xlim=(-ax_s, ax_s), ylim=(-ax_s, ax_s), zlim=(-ax_s, ax_s), xlabel="X", ylabel="Y", zlabel="Z", ) = ax
[docs] def set_view(self, elev=60.0, azim=0.0): """Set azimuth and elevation angle.""" if is None: self.set_ax() self.elev, self.azim = gs.pi * elev / 180, gs.pi * azim / 180, azim)
[docs] def convert_to_polar_coordinates(self, points): """Assign polar coordinates to given pre-shapes.""" aligned_points = S32.fiber_bundle.align(points, self.pole) speeds = S32.metric.log(aligned_points, self.pole) coords_theta = gs.arctan2( S32.metric.inner_product(speeds,, S32.metric.inner_product(speeds,, ) coords_phi = 2.0 * S32.metric.dist(self.pole, aligned_points) return coords_theta, coords_phi
[docs] def convert_to_spherical_coordinates(self, points): """Convert polar coordinates to spherical one.""" coords_theta, coords_phi = self.convert_to_polar_coordinates(points) coords_x = 0.5 * gs.cos(coords_theta) * gs.sin(coords_phi) coords_y = 0.5 * gs.sin(coords_theta) * gs.sin(coords_phi) coords_z = 0.5 * gs.cos(coords_phi) spherical_coords = gs.transpose(gs.stack((coords_x, coords_y, coords_z))) return spherical_coords
[docs] def add_points(self, points): """Add points to draw on the Kendall sphere.""" if self.coords_type == "extrinsic": if not gs.all(M32.belongs(points)): raise ValueError("Points do not belong to Matrices(3, 2).") points = S32.projection(points) elif self.coords_type == "pre-shape" and not gs.all(S32.belongs(points)): raise ValueError("Points do not belong to the pre-shape space.") points = self.convert_to_spherical_coordinates(points) if not isinstance(points, list): if points.shape == (3,): points = [gs.array(points)] else: points = list(points) self.points.extend(points)
[docs] def clear_points(self): """Clear the points to draw.""" self.points = []
[docs] def draw(self, n_theta=25, n_phi=13, scale=0.05, elev=60.0, azim=0.0): """Draw the sphere regularly sampled with corresponding triangles.""" self.set_ax() self.set_view(elev=elev, azim=azim) plt.tight_layout() coords_theta = gs.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * gs.pi, n_theta) coords_phi = gs.linspace(0.0, gs.pi, n_phi) coords_x = gs.to_numpy(0.5 * gs.outer(gs.sin(coords_phi), gs.cos(coords_theta))) coords_y = gs.to_numpy(0.5 * gs.outer(gs.sin(coords_phi), gs.sin(coords_theta))) coords_z = gs.to_numpy( 0.5 * gs.outer(gs.cos(coords_phi), gs.ones_like(coords_theta)) ) coords_x, coords_y, coords_z, rstride=1, cstride=1, color="grey", linewidth=0, alpha=0.1, zorder=-1, ) coords_x, coords_y, coords_z, linewidths=0.6, color="grey", alpha=0.6, zorder=-1, ) def lim(theta): return ( gs.pi - self.elev + (2.0 * self.elev - gs.pi) / gs.pi * abs(self.azim - theta) ) for theta in gs.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * gs.pi, n_theta // 2 + 1): for phi in gs.linspace(0.0, gs.pi, n_phi): if theta <= self.azim + gs.pi and phi <= lim(theta): self.draw_triangle(theta, phi, scale) if theta > self.azim + gs.pi and phi < lim( 2.0 * self.azim + 2.0 * gs.pi - theta ): self.draw_triangle(theta, phi, scale)
[docs] def draw_triangle(self, theta, phi, scale): """Draw the corresponding triangle on the sphere at theta, phi.""" u_theta = gs.cos(theta) * + gs.sin(theta) * triangle = gs.cos(phi / 2.0) * self.pole + gs.sin(phi / 2.0) * u_theta triangle = scale * triangle triangle3d = gs.transpose( gs.stack((triangle[:, 0], triangle[:, 1], 0.5 * gs.ones(3))) ) triangle3d = self.rotation(theta, phi) @ gs.transpose(triangle3d) x = list(triangle3d[0]) + [triangle3d[0, 0]] y = list(triangle3d[1]) + [triangle3d[1, 0]] z = list(triangle3d[2]) + [triangle3d[2, 0]], y, z, "grey", zorder=1) c = ["red", "green", "blue"] for i in range(3):[i], y[i], z[i], color=c[i], s=10, alpha=1, zorder=1)
[docs] @staticmethod def rotation(theta, phi): """Rotation sending a triangle at pole to location theta, phi.""" rot_th = gs.array( [ [gs.cos(theta), -gs.sin(theta), 0.0], [gs.sin(theta), gs.cos(theta), 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ] ) rot_phi = gs.array( [ [gs.cos(phi), 0.0, gs.sin(phi)], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-gs.sin(phi), 0, gs.cos(phi)], ] ) return rot_th @ rot_phi @ gs.transpose(rot_th)
[docs] def draw_points(self, alpha=1, zorder=0, **kwargs): """Draw points on the Kendall sphere.""" points_x = [gs.to_numpy(point)[0] for point in self.points] points_y = [gs.to_numpy(point)[1] for point in self.points] points_z = [gs.to_numpy(point)[2] for point in self.points] points_x, points_y, points_z, alpha=alpha, zorder=zorder, **kwargs )
[docs] def draw_curve(self, alpha=1, zorder=0, **kwargs): """Draw a curve on the Kendall sphere.""" points_x = [gs.to_numpy(point)[0] for point in self.points] points_y = [gs.to_numpy(point)[1] for point in self.points] points_z = [gs.to_numpy(point)[2] for point in self.points] points_x, points_y, points_z, alpha=alpha, zorder=zorder, **kwargs )
[docs] def draw_vector(self, tangent_vec, base_point, **kwargs): """Draw one vector in the tangent space to sphere at a base point.""" norm = S32.quotient.metric.norm(tangent_vec, base_point) exp = S32.quotient.metric.exp(tangent_vec, base_point) bp = self.convert_to_spherical_coordinates(base_point) exp = self.convert_to_spherical_coordinates(exp) tv = exp -, 2.0 * bp) * 2.0 * bp tv = tv / gs.linalg.norm(tv) * norm[0], bp[1], bp[2], tv[0], tv[1], tv[2], **kwargs)
[docs] class KendallDisk: """Class used to plot points in Kendall shape space of 3D triangles. The shape space of 2D triangles is isometric to the 2-sphere of radius 1/2 [K1984]_. This isometry induced another isometry between the shape space of 3D triangle and the 1-ball of radius pi/4 [LK1993]_. Following the first visualization class "KendallSphere" for 2D triangles, this class encodes the 2D isometric representation of Kendall shape space of order (3,3). Attributes ---------- points : list List of points to plot on the Kendall sphere. coords_type : str Type of the points. Can be either 'pre-shape' (for points in Kendall pre-shape space) or 'extrinsic' (for points given as 3x2 matrices). Optional, default: 'pre-shape'. pole : array-like, shape=[3,2] Equilateral triangle in 2D (north pole). centre : array-like, shape=[3,3] Equilateral triangle in 3D (centre). ua : array-like, shape=[3,2] Tangent vector at north pole toward isosceles triangle at vertex A. ub : array-like, shape=[3,2] Tangent vector at north pole toward isosceles triangle at vertex B. na : array-like, shape=[3,2] Tangent vector such that (ua,na) is a positively oriented orthonormal basis of the horizontal space at north pole. References ---------- .. [K1984] David G. Kendall. "Shape Manifolds, Procrustean Metrics, and Complex Projective Spaces." Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Volume 16, Issue 2, March 1984, Pages 81–121. .. [LK1993] Huiling Le and David G. Kendall. "The Riemannian structure of Euclidean shape spaces: a novel environment for statistics." Annals of statistics, 1993, vol. 21, no 3, p. 1225-1271. """ def __init__(self, points=None, coords_type="pre-shape"): self.points = [] self.coords_type = coords_type = None self.pole = gs.array( [[1.0, 0.0], [-0.5, gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0], [-0.5, -gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0]] ) / gs.sqrt(3.0) self.centre = gs.array( [ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [-0.5, gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0, 0.0], [-0.5, -gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0, 0.0], ] ) / gs.sqrt(3.0) = gs.array( [[-1.0, 0.0], [0.5, gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0], [0.5, -gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0]] ) / gs.sqrt(3.0) self.ub = gs.array( [[0.5, gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2.0], [0.5, -gs.sqrt(3.0) / 2], [-1.0, 0.0]] ) / gs.sqrt(3.0) = self.ub - S32.metric.inner_product(self.ub, * = / S32.metric.norm( if points is not None: self.add_points(points)
[docs] def set_ax(self, ax=None): """Set axis.""" if ax is None: ax = plt.subplot() ax_s = gs.pi / 4 + 0.05 plt.setp(ax, xlim=(-ax_s, ax_s), ylim=(-ax_s, ax_s), xlabel="X", ylabel="Y") = ax
[docs] def convert_to_polar_coordinates(self, points): """Assign polar coordinates to given pre-shapes.""" aligned_points = S33.fiber_bundle.align(points, self.centre) aligned_points2d = aligned_points[..., :, :2] speeds = S32.metric.log(aligned_points2d, self.pole) coords_r = S32.metric.dist(self.pole, aligned_points2d) coords_theta = gs.arctan2( S32.metric.inner_product(speeds,, S32.metric.inner_product(speeds,, ) return coords_r, coords_theta
[docs] def convert_to_planar_coordinates(self, points): """Convert polar coordinates to spherical one.""" coords_r, coords_theta = self.convert_to_polar_coordinates(points) coords_x = coords_r * gs.cos(coords_theta) coords_y = coords_r * gs.sin(coords_theta) planar_coords = gs.transpose(gs.stack((coords_x, coords_y))) return planar_coords
[docs] def add_points(self, points): """Add points to draw on the Kendall disk.""" if self.coords_type == "extrinsic": if not gs.all(M33.belongs(points)): raise ValueError("Points do not belong to Matrices(3, 3).") points = S33.projection(points) elif self.coords_type == "pre-shape" and not gs.all(S33.belongs(points)): raise ValueError("Points do not belong to the pre-shape space.") points = self.convert_to_planar_coordinates(points) if not isinstance(points, list): if points.shape == (2,): points = [gs.array(points)] else: points = list(points) self.points.extend(points)
[docs] def clear_points(self): """Clear the points to draw.""" self.points = []
[docs] def draw(self, n_r=7, n_theta=25, scale=0.05): """Draw the disk regularly sampled with corresponding triangles.""" self.set_ax() plt.tight_layout() coords_r = gs.linspace(0.0, gs.pi / 4.0, n_r) coords_theta = gs.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * gs.pi, n_theta) coords_x = gs.to_numpy(gs.outer(coords_r, gs.cos(coords_theta))) coords_y = gs.to_numpy(gs.outer(coords_r, gs.sin(coords_theta))) list(coords_x[-1, :]), list(coords_y[-1, :]), color="grey", alpha=0.1, zorder=-1, ) for i_r in range(n_r): coords_x[i_r, :], coords_y[i_r, :], linewidth=0.6, color="grey", alpha=0.6, zorder=-1, ) for i_t in range(n_theta): coords_x[:, i_t], coords_y[:, i_t], linewidth=0.6, color="grey", alpha=0.6, zorder=-1, ) for r in gs.linspace(0.0, gs.pi / 4, n_r): for theta in gs.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * gs.pi, n_theta // 2 + 1): if theta == 0.0: self.draw_triangle(0.0, 0.0, scale) else: self.draw_triangle(r, theta, scale)
[docs] def draw_triangle(self, r, theta, scale): """Draw the corresponding triangle on the disk at r, theta.""" u_theta = gs.cos(theta) * + gs.sin(theta) * triangle = gs.cos(r) * self.pole + gs.sin(r) * u_theta triangle = scale * triangle x = list(r * gs.cos(theta) + triangle[:, 0]) x = x + [x[0]] y = list(r * gs.sin(theta) + triangle[:, 1]) y = y + [y[0]], y, "grey", zorder=1) c = ["red", "green", "blue"] for i in range(3):[i], y[i], color=c[i], s=10, alpha=1, zorder=1)
[docs] def draw_points(self, alpha=1, zorder=0, **kwargs): """Draw points on the Kendall disk.""" points_x = [gs.to_numpy(point)[0] for point in self.points] points_y = [gs.to_numpy(point)[1] for point in self.points], points_y, alpha=alpha, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def draw_curve(self, alpha=1, zorder=0, **kwargs): """Draw a curve on the Kendall disk.""" points_x = [gs.to_numpy(point)[0] for point in self.points] points_y = [gs.to_numpy(point)[1] for point in self.points], points_y, alpha=alpha, zorder=zorder, **kwargs)
[docs] def draw_vector(self, tangent_vec, base_point, tol=1e-03, **kwargs): """Draw one vector in the tangent space to disk at a base point.""" r_bp, th_bp = self.convert_to_polar_coordinates(base_point) bp = gs.array( [ gs.cos(th_bp) * gs.sin(2 * r_bp), gs.sin(th_bp) * gs.sin(2 * r_bp), gs.cos(2 * r_bp), ] ) r_exp, th_exp = self.convert_to_polar_coordinates( S33.quotient.metric.exp( tol * tangent_vec / S33.quotient.metric.norm(tangent_vec, base_point), base_point, ) ) exp = gs.array( [ gs.cos(th_exp) * gs.sin(2 * r_exp), gs.sin(th_exp) * gs.sin(2 * r_exp), gs.cos(2 * r_exp), ] ) pole = gs.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) tv = exp -, bp) * bp u_tv = tv / gs.linalg.norm(tv) u_r = (, bp) * bp - pole) / gs.linalg.norm(, bp) * bp - pole ) u_th = gs.cross(bp, u_r) x_r, x_th =, u_r),, u_th) bp = self.convert_to_planar_coordinates(base_point) u_r = bp / gs.linalg.norm(bp) u_th = gs.array([[0.0, -1.0], [1.0, 0.0]]) @ u_r tv = S33.quotient.metric.norm(tangent_vec, base_point) * ( x_r * u_r + x_th * u_th )[0], bp[1], tv[0], tv[1], **kwargs)