Source code for geomstats.numerics.optimization

"""Optimizers implementations."""

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import scipy
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult

import geomstats.backend as gs
from geomstats.exceptions import AutodiffNotImplementedError
from geomstats.numerics._common import result_to_backend_type

[docs] class ScipyMinimize: """Wrapper for scipy.optimize.minimize. Only `autodiff_jac` and `autodiff_hess` differ from scipy: if True, then automatic differentiation is used to compute jacobian and/or hessian. """ def __init__( self, method="L-BFGS-B", autodiff_jac=False, autodiff_hess=False, bounds=None, constraints=(), tol=None, callback=None, options=None, save_result=False, ): if (autodiff_jac or autodiff_hess) and not gs.has_autodiff(): raise AutodiffNotImplementedError( "Minimization with 'autodiff' requires automatic differentiation." "Change backend via the command " "export GEOMSTATS_BACKEND=pytorch in a terminal" ) self.method = method self.autodiff_jac = autodiff_jac self.autodiff_hess = autodiff_hess self.bounds = bounds self.constraints = constraints self.tol = tol self.callback = callback self.options = options self.save_result = save_result self.result_ = None def _handle_jac(self, fun, fun_jac): if fun_jac is not None: fun_ = lambda x: fun(gs.from_numpy(x)) fun_jac_ = fun_jac if callable(fun_jac): fun_jac_ = lambda x: fun_jac(gs.from_numpy(x)) return fun_, fun_jac_ if self.autodiff_jac: jac = True fun_ = lambda x: gs.autodiff.value_and_grad(fun)(gs.from_numpy(x)) else: jac = fun_jac fun_ = lambda x: fun(gs.from_numpy(x)) return fun_, jac def _handle_hess(self, fun, fun_hess): if fun_hess is not None or not self.autodiff_hess: fun_hess_ = fun_hess if callable(fun_hess): fun_hess_ = lambda x: fun_hess(gs.from_numpy(x)) return fun_hess_ return lambda x: gs.autodiff.hessian(fun)(gs.from_numpy(x))
[docs] def minimize(self, fun, x0, fun_jac=None, fun_hess=None, hessp=None): """Minimize objective function. Parameters ---------- fun : callable The objective function to be minimized. x0 : array-like Initial guess. fun_jac : callable Jacobian of fun. fun_hess : callable Hessian of fun. hessp : callable """ fun_, jac = self._handle_jac(fun, fun_jac) hess = self._handle_hess(fun, fun_hess) result = scipy.optimize.minimize( fun_, x0, method=self.method, jac=jac, hess=hess, hessp=hessp, bounds=self.bounds, tol=self.tol, constraints=self.constraints, callback=self.callback, options=self.options, ) result = result_to_backend_type(result) if not result.success: logging.warning(result.message) if self.save_result: self.result_ = result return result
[docs] class RootFinder(ABC): """Find a root of a vector-valued function."""
[docs] @abstractmethod def root(self, fun, x0, fun_jac=None): """Find a root of a vector-valued function. Parameters ---------- fun : callable Vector-valued function. x0 : array-like Initial guess. fun_jac : callable Ignored if None. Returns ------- res : OptimizeResult """
[docs] class ScipyRoot(RootFinder): """Wrapper for scipy.optimize.root. Only `autodiff_jac` differs from scipy: if True, then automatic differentiation is used to compute jacobian. """ def __init__( self, method="hybr", autodiff_jac=False, tol=None, callback=None, options=None, save_result=False, ): if (autodiff_jac) and not gs.has_autodiff(): raise AutodiffNotImplementedError( "Root finding with 'autodiff' requires automatic differentiation." "Change backend via the command " "export GEOMSTATS_BACKEND=pytorch in a terminal" ) self.method = method self.autodiff_jac = autodiff_jac self.tol = tol self.callback = callback self.options = options self.save_result = save_result self.result_ = None def _handle_jac(self, fun, fun_jac): if fun_jac is not None: fun_ = lambda x: fun(gs.from_numpy(x)) fun_jac_ = fun_jac if callable(fun_jac): fun_jac_ = lambda x: fun_jac(gs.from_numpy(x)) return fun_, fun_jac_ if self.autodiff_jac: jac = True fun_ = lambda x: gs.autodiff.value_and_jacobian(fun)(gs.from_numpy(x)) else: jac = fun_jac fun_ = lambda x: fun(gs.from_numpy(x)) return fun_, jac
[docs] def root(self, fun, x0, fun_jac=None): """Find a root of a vector-valued function. Parameters ---------- fun : callable Vector-valued function. x0 : array-like Initial guess. fun_jac : callable Jacobian of fun. Ignored if None. Returns ------- res : OptimizeResult """ fun_, fun_jac_ = self._handle_jac(fun, fun_jac) result = scipy.optimize.root( fun_, x0, method=self.method, jac=fun_jac_, tol=self.tol, callback=self.callback, options=self.options, ) result = result_to_backend_type(result) if not result.success: logging.warning(result.message) if self.save_result: self.result_ = result return result
[docs] class NewtonMethod(RootFinder): """Find a root of a vector-valued function with Newton's method. Check for details. Parameters ---------- atol : float Tolerance to check algorithm convergence. max_iter : int Maximum iterations. """ def __init__(self, atol=gs.atol, max_iter=100): self.atol = atol self.max_iter = max_iter
[docs] def root(self, fun, x0, fun_jac): """Find a root of a vector-valued function. Parameters ---------- fun : callable Vector-valued function. x0 : array-like Initial guess. fun_jac : callable Jacobian of fun. """ xk = x0 message = "The solution converged." status = 1 for it in range(self.max_iter): fun_xk = fun(xk) if gs.linalg.norm(fun_xk) <= self.atol: break y = gs.linalg.solve(fun_jac(xk), fun_xk) xk = xk - y else: message = f"Maximum number of iterations {self.max_iter} reached. Results may be inaccurate" status = 0 result = OptimizeResult( x=xk, success=(status == 1), status=status, method="newton", message=message, nfev=it + 1, njac=it, ) if not result.success: logging.warning(result.message) return result