r"""Geodesic Regression.
Lead author: Nicolas Guigui.
The generative model of the data is:
:math:`Z = Exp_{\beta_0}(\beta_1.X)` and :math:`Y = Exp_Z(\epsilon)`
- :math:`Exp` denotes the Riemannian exponential,
- :math:`\beta_0` is called the intercept,
and is a point on the manifold,
- :math:`\beta_1` is called the coefficient,
and is a tangent vector to the manifold at :math:`\beta_0`,
- :math:`\epsilon \sim N(0, 1)` is a standard Gaussian noise,
- :math:`X` is the input, :math:`Y` is the target.
The geodesic regression method:
- estimates :math:`\beta_0, \beta_1`,
- predicts :math:`\hat{y}` from input :math:`X`.
import logging
import math
from scipy.optimize import OptimizeResult
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
import geomstats.backend as gs
import geomstats.errors as error
from geomstats.learning.frechet_mean import FrechetMean
from geomstats.numerics.optimization import ScipyMinimize
class RiemannianGradientDescent:
"""Riemannian gradient descent."""
def __init__(self, max_iter=100, init_step_size=0.1, tol=1e-5, verbose=False):
self.max_iter = max_iter
self.init_step_size = init_step_size
self.verbose = verbose
self.tol = tol
self.jac = "autodiff"
def _handle_jac(self, fun, point_ndim):
if self.jac == "autodiff":
def fun_(x):
value, grad = gs.autodiff.value_and_grad(fun, point_ndims=point_ndim)(x)
return value, grad
raise NotImplementedError("For now only working with autodiff.")
return fun_
def _get_vector_transport(self, space):
if hasattr(space.metric, "parallel_transport"):
def vector_transport(tan_a, tan_b, base_point, _):
return space.metric.parallel_transport(tan_a, base_point, tan_b)
def vector_transport(tan_a, _, __, point):
return space.to_tangent(tan_a, point)
return vector_transport
def minimize(self, space, fun, x0):
"""Perform gradient descent."""
fun = self._handle_jac(fun, point_ndim=space.point_ndim)
vector_transport = self._get_vector_transport(space)
lr = self.init_step_size
intercept_init, coef_init = gs.split(x0, 2)
intercept_init = gs.reshape(intercept_init, space.shape)
coef_init = gs.reshape(coef_init, space.shape)
intercept_hat = intercept_hat_new = space.projection(intercept_init)
coef_hat = coef_hat_new = space.to_tangent(coef_init, intercept_hat)
param = gs.vstack([gs.flatten(intercept_hat), gs.flatten(coef_hat)])
current_loss = math.inf
current_grad = gs.zeros_like(param)
current_iter = i = 0
for i in range(self.max_iter):
loss, grad = fun(param)
if gs.any(gs.isnan(grad)):
logging.warning(f"NaN encountered in gradient at iter {current_iter}")
lr /= 2
grad = current_grad
elif loss >= current_loss and i > 0:
lr /= 2
if not current_iter % 5:
lr *= 2
coef_hat = coef_hat_new
intercept_hat = intercept_hat_new
current_iter += 1
if abs(loss - current_loss) < self.tol:
if self.verbose:
logging.info(f"Tolerance threshold reached at iter {current_iter}")
grad_intercept, grad_coef = gs.split(grad, 2)
riem_grad_intercept = space.to_tangent(
gs.reshape(grad_intercept, space.shape), intercept_hat
riem_grad_coef = space.to_tangent(
gs.reshape(grad_coef, space.shape), intercept_hat
intercept_hat_new = space.metric.exp(
-lr * riem_grad_intercept, intercept_hat
coef_hat_new = vector_transport(
coef_hat - lr * riem_grad_coef,
-lr * riem_grad_intercept,
param = gs.vstack([gs.flatten(intercept_hat_new), gs.flatten(coef_hat_new)])
current_loss = loss
current_grad = grad
if self.verbose:
f"Number of gradient evaluations: {i}, "
f"Number of gradient iterations: {current_iter}"
f" loss at termination: {current_loss}"
return OptimizeResult(fun=loss, x=param, nit=current_iter)
class GeodesicRegression(BaseEstimator):
r"""Geodesic Regression.
The generative model of the data is:
:math:`Z = Exp_{\beta_0}(\beta_1.X)` and :math:`Y = Exp_Z(\epsilon)`
- :math:`Exp` denotes the Riemannian exponential,
- :math:`\beta_0` is called the intercept,
and is a point on the manifold,
- :math:`\beta_1` is called the coefficient,
and is a tangent vector to the manifold at :math:`\beta_0`,
- :math:`\epsilon \sim N(0, 1)` is a standard Gaussian noise,
- :math:`X` is the input, :math:`Y` is the target.
The geodesic regression method:
- estimates :math:`\beta_0, \beta_1`,
- predicts :math:`\hat{y}` from input :math:`X`.
space : Manifold
Equipped manifold.
center_X : bool
Subtract mean to X as a preprocessing.
method : str, {\'extrinsic\', \'riemannian\'}
Gradient descent method.
Optional, default: extrinsic.
initialization : str or array-like,
{'random', 'data', 'frechet', warm_start'}
Initial values of the parameters for the optimization,
or initialization method.
Optional, default: 'random'
regularization : float
Weight on the constraint for the intercept to lie on the manifold in
the extrinsic optimization scheme. An L^2 constraint is applied.
Optional, default: 1.
compute_training_score : bool
Whether to compute R^2.
Optional, default: False.
* Required metric methods:
* all: `exp`, `squared_dist`
* if `riemannian`: `parallel transport` or `to_tangent`
def __init__(
self.space = space
self.center_X = center_X
self._method = None
self.method = method
self.initialization = initialization
self.regularization = regularization
self.compute_training_score = compute_training_score
self.intercept_ = None
self.coef_ = None
self.mean_ = None
self.training_score_ = None
self.mean_estimator = FrechetMean(self.space)
def set(self, **kwargs):
"""Set optimizer parameters.
Especially useful for one line instantiations.
for param_name, value in kwargs.items():
if not hasattr(self.optimizer, param_name):
raise ValueError(f"Unknown parameter {param_name}.")
setattr(self.optimizer, param_name, value)
return self
def method(self):
"""Gradient descent method."""
return self._method
def method(self, value):
"""Gradient descent method."""
value, "method", ["extrinsic", "riemannian"]
if value == self._method:
self._method = value
tol = 1e-5
max_iter = 100
if value == "extrinsic":
optimizer = ScipyMinimize(
options={"disp": False, "maxiter": max_iter},
optimizer = RiemannianGradientDescent(
self.optimizer = optimizer
def _model(self, X, coef, intercept):
"""Compute the generative model of the geodesic regression.
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
Training input samples.
coef : array-like, shape=[{dim, [n,n]}]
Coefficient of the geodesic regression.
intercept : array-like, shape=[{dim, [n,n]}]
Intercept of the geodesic regression.
_ : array-like, shape=[..., {dim, [n,n]}]
Value on the manifold output by the generative model.
return self.space.metric.exp(gs.einsum("n,...->n...", X, coef), intercept)
def _loss(self, X, y, param, weights=None):
"""Compute the loss associated to the geodesic regression.
X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape=[...,}]
Training input samples.
y : array-like, shape=[..., {dim, [n,n]}]
Training target values.
param : array-like, shape=[2, {dim, [n,n]}]
Parameters intercept and coef of the geodesic regression,
vertically stacked.
weights : array-like, shape=[...,]
Weights associated to the points.
Optional, default: None.
_ : float
intercept, coef = gs.split(param, 2)
intercept = gs.reshape(intercept, self.space.shape)
coef = gs.reshape(coef, self.space.shape)
if self.method == "extrinsic":
base_point = self.space.projection(intercept)
penalty = self.regularization * gs.sum((base_point - intercept) ** 2)
base_point = intercept
penalty = 0.0
tangent_vec = self.space.to_tangent(coef, base_point)
distances = self.space.metric.squared_dist(
self._model(X, tangent_vec, base_point), y
if weights is None:
weights = 1.0
return 1.0 / 2.0 * gs.sum(weights * distances) + penalty
def _initialize_parameters(self, y):
"""Set initial values for the parameters of the model.
Set initial parameters for the optimization, depending on the value
of the attribute `initialization`. The options are:
- `random` : pick random numbers from a normal distribution,
then project them to the manifold and the tangent space.
- `frechet` : compute the Frechet mean of the target points
- `data` : pick a random sample from the target points and a
tangent vector with random coefficients.
- `warm_start`: pick previous values of the parameters if the
model was fitted before, otherwise behaves as `random`.
y: array-like, shape=[n_samples, {dim, [n,n]}]
The target data, used for the option `data` and 'frechet'.
intercept : array-like, shape=[{dim, [n,n]}]
Initial value for the intercept.
coef : array-like, shape=[{dim, [n,n]}]
Initial value for the coefficient.
init = self.initialization
shape = self.space.shape
if isinstance(init, str):
if init == "random":
return gs.random.normal(size=(2,) + shape)
if init == "frechet":
mean = self.mean_estimator.fit(y).estimate_
return mean, gs.zeros(shape)
if init == "data":
return gs.random.choice(y, 1)[0], gs.random.normal(size=shape)
if init == "warm_start":
if self.intercept_ is not None:
return self.intercept_, self.coef_
return gs.random.normal(size=(2,) + shape)
raise ValueError(
"The initialization string must be one of "
"random, frechet, data or warm_start"
return init
def fit(self, X, y, weights=None):
"""Estimate the parameters of the geodesic regression.
Estimate the intercept and the coefficient defining the
geodesic regression model.
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
Training input samples.
y : array-like, shape[n_samples, {dim, [n,n]}]
Training target values.
weights : array-like, shape=[n_samples]
Weights associated to the points.
Optional, default: None.
self : object
Returns self.
times = gs.copy(X)
if self.center_X:
self.mean_ = gs.mean(X)
times -= self.mean_
if self.method == "extrinsic":
res = self._fit_extrinsic(times, y, weights)
if self.method == "riemannian":
res = self._fit_riemannian(times, y, weights)
intercept_hat, coef_hat = gs.split(res.x, 2)
intercept_hat = gs.reshape(intercept_hat, self.space.shape)
coef_hat = gs.reshape(coef_hat, self.space.shape)
self.intercept_ = self.space.projection(intercept_hat)
self.coef_ = self.space.to_tangent(coef_hat, self.intercept_)
if self.compute_training_score:
variance = gs.sum(self.space.metric.squared_dist(y, self.intercept_))
self.training_score_ = 1 - 2 * res.fun / variance
return self
def _fit_extrinsic(self, X, y, weights=None):
"""Estimate the parameters using the extrinsic gradient descent.
Estimate the intercept and the coefficient defining the
geodesic regression model, using the extrinsic gradient.
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
Training input samples.
y : array-like, shape=[n_samples, {dim, [n,n]}]
Training target values.
weights : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
Weights associated to the points.
Optional, default: None.
res : OptimizeResult
Scipy's optimize result.
intercept_init, coef_init = self._initialize_parameters(y)
intercept_hat = self.space.projection(intercept_init)
coef_hat = self.space.to_tangent(coef_init, intercept_hat)
initial_guess = gs.hstack([gs.flatten(intercept_hat), gs.flatten(coef_hat)])
objective_with_grad = lambda param: self._loss(X, y, param, weights)
return self.optimizer.minimize(
def _fit_riemannian(self, X, y, weights=None):
"""Estimate the parameters using a Riemannian gradient descent.
Estimate the intercept and the coefficient defining the
geodesic regression model, using the Riemannian gradient.
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
Training input samples.
y : array-like, shape=[n_samples, {dim, [n,n]}]
Training target values.
weights : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
Weights associated to the points.
Optional, default: None.
res : OptimizeResult
Scipy's optimize result.
objective_with_grad = lambda params: self._loss(X, y, params, weights)
intercept_init, coef_init = self._initialize_parameters(y)
x0 = gs.vstack([gs.flatten(intercept_init), gs.flatten(coef_init)])
return self.optimizer.minimize(self.space, objective_with_grad, x0)
def predict(self, X):
"""Predict the manifold value for each input.
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
Input data.
y : array-like, shape=[n_samples, {dim, [n,n]}]
Training target values.
if self.coef_ is None:
raise RuntimeError("Fit method must be called before predict.")
times = gs.copy(X)
if self.center_X:
times = times - self.mean_
return self._model(times, self.coef_, self.intercept_)
def score(self, X, y, weights=None):
"""Compute training score.
Compute the training score defined as R^2.
X : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
Training input samples.
y : array-like, shape=[n_samples, {dim, [n,n]}]
Training target values.
weights : array-like, shape=[n_samples,]
Weights associated to the points.
Optional, default: None.
score : float
Training score.
y_pred = self.predict(X)
if weights is None:
weights = 1.0
mean = self.mean_estimator.fit(y).estimate_
numerator = gs.sum(weights * self.space.metric.squared_dist(y, y_pred))
denominator = gs.sum(weights * self.space.metric.squared_dist(y, mean))
return 1 - numerator / denominator if denominator != 0 else 0.0