Source code for geomstats.learning.expectation_maximization

"""Expectation maximization algorithm.

Lead authors: Thomas Gerald and Hadi Zaatiti.

import logging

from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClusterMixin

import geomstats.backend as gs
from geomstats.learning._template import TransformerMixin
from geomstats.learning.frechet_mean import FrechetMean, variance
from geomstats.learning.kmeans import RiemannianKMeans

PDF_TOL = 1e-6

[docs] class GaussianMixtureModel: r"""Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Parameters ---------- space : Manifold Equipped manifold. means : array-like, shape=[n_gaussians, dim] Means of each component of the GMM. variances : array-like, shape=[n_gaussians,] Variances of each component of the GMM. Attributes ---------- normalization_factor_var : array-like, shape=[n_variances,] Array of computed normalization factor. variances_range : array-like, shape=[n_variances,] Array of standard deviations. phi_inv_var : array-like, shape=[n_variances,] Array of the computed inverse of a function phi whose expression is closed-form :math:`\sigma\mapsto \sigma^3 \times \frac{d} {\mathstrut d\sigma}\log \zeta_m(\sigma)` where :math:`\sigma` denotes the variance and :math:`\zeta` the normalization coefficient and :math:`m` the dimension. """ def __init__( self, space, means=None, variances=None, zeta_lower_bound=5e-1, zeta_upper_bound=2.0, zeta_step=0.01, ): = space self.means = means self.variances = variances self.zeta_lower_bound = zeta_lower_bound self.zeta_upper_bound = zeta_upper_bound self.zeta_step = zeta_step ( self.variances_range, self.normalization_factor_var, self.phi_inv_var, ) = self._normalization_factor_init() def _normalization_factor_init(self): r"""Set up function for the normalization factor. The normalization factor is used to define Gaussian distributions at initialization. """ variances = gs.arange( self.zeta_lower_bound, self.zeta_upper_bound, self.zeta_step ) normalization_factor_var = cond_1 = normalization_factor_var.sum() != normalization_factor_var.sum() cond_2 = normalization_factor_var.sum() == float("+inf") cond_3 = normalization_factor_var.sum() == float("-inf") if cond_1 or cond_2 or cond_3: logging.warning("Untractable normalization factor :") limit_nf = ( ((normalization_factor_var / normalization_factor_var) * 0) .nonzero()[0] .item() ) max_nf = len(variances) variances = variances[0:limit_nf] normalization_factor_var = normalization_factor_var[0:limit_nf] if cond_1: logging.warning("\t Nan value " "in processing normalization factor") if cond_2 or cond_3: raise ValueError("\t +-inf value in " "processing normalization factor") logging.warning("\t Max variance is now : %s", str(variances[-1])) logging.warning( "\t Number of possible variance is now: %s / %s ", str(len(variances)), str(max_nf), ) _, log_grad_zeta = phi_inv_var = variances**3 * log_grad_zeta return variances, normalization_factor_var, phi_inv_var
[docs] def pdf(self, data): """Return the separate probability density function of GMM. The probability density function is computed for each component of the GMM separately (i.e., mixture coefficients are not taken into account). Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples, dim] Points at which the GMM probability density is computed. Returns ------- pdf : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_gaussians,] Probability density function computed at each data sample and for each component of the GMM. """ data_length, _, _ = data.shape + (self.means.shape[0],) variances_expanded = gs.expand_dims(self.variances, 0) variances_expanded = gs.repeat(variances_expanded, data_length, 0) variances_flatten = variances_expanded.flatten() distances = -(, self.means) ** 2) distances = gs.reshape(distances, (data.shape[0] * self.variances.shape[0],)) num = gs.exp(distances / (2 * variances_flatten**2)) den = self._compute_normalization_factor() den = gs.expand_dims(den, 0) den = gs.repeat(den, data_length, axis=0).flatten() pdf = num / den pdf = gs.reshape(pdf, (data.shape[0], self.means.shape[0])) return pdf
def _compute_normalization_factor(self): """Find the normalization factor given some variances. Returns ------- norm_factor : array-like, shape=[n_gaussians,] Array of normalization factors for the given variances. """ n_gaussians, precision = self.variances.shape[0], self.variances_range.shape[0] ref = gs.expand_dims(self.variances_range, 0) ref = gs.repeat(ref, n_gaussians, axis=0) val = gs.expand_dims(self.variances, 1) val = gs.repeat(val, precision, axis=1) difference = gs.abs(ref - val) index = gs.argmin(difference, axis=-1) norm_factor = self.normalization_factor_var[index] return norm_factor
[docs] def compute_variance_from_index(self, weighted_distances): r"""Return the variance given weighted distances. Parameters ---------- weighted_distances : array-like, shape=[n_gaussians,] Mean of the weighted distances between training data and current barycentres. The weights of each data sample corresponds to the probability of belonging to a component of the Gaussian mixture model. Returns ------- var : array-like, shape=[n_gaussians,] Estimated variances for each component of the GMM. """ n_gaussians, precision = ( weighted_distances.shape[0], self.variances_range.shape[0], ) ref = gs.expand_dims(self.phi_inv_var, 0) ref = gs.repeat(ref, n_gaussians, axis=0) val = gs.expand_dims(weighted_distances, 1) val = gs.repeat(val, precision, axis=1) abs_difference = gs.abs(ref - val) index = gs.argmin(abs_difference, -1) var = self.variances_range[index] return var
[docs] def weighted_pdf(self, mixture_coefficients, mesh_data): """Return the probability density function of a GMM. Parameters ---------- mixture_coefficients : array-like, shape=[n_gaussians,] Coefficients of the Gaussian mixture model. mesh_data : array-like, shape=[n_precision, dim] Points at which the GMM probability density is computed. Returns ------- weighted_pdf : array-like, shape=[n_precision, n_gaussians,] Probability density function computed for each point of the mesh data, for each component of the GMM. """ distance_to_mean =, self.means) variances_units = gs.expand_dims(self.variances, 0) variances_units = gs.repeat(variances_units, distance_to_mean.shape[0], axis=0) distribution_normal = gs.exp(-(distance_to_mean**2) / (2 * variances_units**2)) zeta_sigma = (2 * gs.pi) ** (2 / 3) * self.variances zeta_sigma = zeta_sigma * gs.exp( (self.variances**2 / 2) * gs.erf(self.variances / gs.sqrt(2)) ) result_num = gs.expand_dims(mixture_coefficients, 0) result_num = gs.repeat(result_num, len(distribution_normal), axis=0) result_num = result_num * distribution_normal result_denum = gs.expand_dims(zeta_sigma, 0) result_denum = gs.repeat(result_denum, len(distribution_normal), axis=0) weighted_pdf = result_num / result_denum return weighted_pdf
[docs] class RiemannianEM(TransformerMixin, ClusterMixin, BaseEstimator): r"""Expectation-maximization algorithm. A class for performing Expectation-Maximization to fit a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to data on a manifold. This method is only implemented for the hypersphere and the Poincare ball. Parameters ---------- space : Manifold Equipped manifold. n_gaussians : int Number of Gaussian components in the mix. initialisation_method : basestring Optional, default: 'random'. Choice between initialization method for variances, means and weights. - 'random' : will select random uniformly train points as initial cluster centers. - 'kmeans' : will apply Riemannian kmeans to deduce variances and means that the EM will use initially. tol : float Optional, default: 1e-2. Convergence tolerance. If the difference of mean distance between two steps is lower than tol. max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations for the gradient descent. Optional, default: 100. Attributes ---------- mixture_coefficients_ : array-like, shape=[n_gaussians,] Weights for each GMM component. variances_ : array-like, shape=[n_gaussians,] Variances for each GMM component. means_ : array-like, shape=[n_gaussian, _dimension] Barycentre of each component of the GMM. Example ------- Available example on the Poincaré Ball manifold :mod:`examples.plot_expectation_maximization_ball` """ def __init__( self, space, n_gaussians=8, initialisation_method="random", tol=1e-2, max_iter=100, conv_rate=1e-4, minimum_epochs=10, ): = space self.n_gaussians = n_gaussians self.initialisation_method = initialisation_method self.tol = tol self.max_iter = max_iter self.conv_rate = conv_rate self.minimum_epochs = minimum_epochs self.mean_estimator = FrechetMean(space) if isinstance(self.mean_estimator, FrechetMean): self.mean_estimator.method = "batch" self.mean_estimator.set( max_iter=100, epsilon=1e-4, init_step_size=1.0, ) self._model = GaussianMixtureModel( self.mixture_coefficients_ = None @property def means_(self): """Means of each component of the GMM.""" return self._model.means @property def variances_(self): """Array of standard deviations.""" return self._model.variances def _update_posterior_probabilities(self, posterior_probabilities): """Posterior probabilities update function. Parameters ---------- posterior_probabilities : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_gaussians,] Probability of a given sample to belong to a component of the GMM, computed for all components. """ self.mixture_coefficients_ = gs.mean(posterior_probabilities, 0) if gs.any(gs.isnan(self.mixture_coefficients_)): logging.warning( "UPDATE : mixture coefficients contain elements that are not numbers" ) def _update_means(self, data, posterior_probabilities): """Update means.""" n_gaussians = posterior_probabilities.shape[-1] data_expand = gs.expand_dims(data, 1) data_expand = gs.repeat(data_expand, n_gaussians, axis=1), weights=posterior_probabilities) self._model.means = gs.squeeze(self.mean_estimator.estimate_) if gs.any(gs.isnan(self._model.means)): logging.warning("UPDATE : means contain not a number elements") def _update_variances(self, data, posterior_probabilities): """Update variances function. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features,] Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. posterior_probabilities : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_gaussians,] Probability of a given sample to belong to a component of the GMM, computed for all components. """ dist_means_data =, self._model.means) ** 2 weighted_dist_means_data = (dist_means_data * posterior_probabilities).sum( 0 ) / posterior_probabilities.sum(0) self._model.variances = self._model.compute_variance_from_index( weighted_dist_means_data ) if gs.any(gs.isnan(self._model.variances)): logging.warning("UPDATE : variances contain not a number elements") def _expectation(self, data): """Update the posterior probabilities. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. """ pdf = self._model.pdf(data) if gs.any(gs.isnan(pdf)): logging.warning( "EXPECTATION : Probability distribution function" "contain elements that are not numbers" ) num_normalized_pdf = gs.einsum("j,...j->...j", self.mixture_coefficients_, pdf) valid_pdf_condition = gs.amin(gs.sum(num_normalized_pdf, -1)) if valid_pdf_condition <= PDF_TOL: num_normalized_pdf[gs.sum(num_normalized_pdf, -1) <= PDF_TOL] = 1 sum_pdf = gs.sum(num_normalized_pdf, -1) posterior_probabilities = gs.einsum( "...i,...->...i", num_normalized_pdf, 1 / sum_pdf ) if gs.any(gs.mean(posterior_probabilities)) is None: logging.warning( "EXPECTATION : posterior probabilities " "contain elements that are not numbers." ) if ( 1 - SUM_CHECK_PDF >= gs.mean(gs.sum(posterior_probabilities, 1)) >= 1 + SUM_CHECK_PDF ): logging.warning("EXPECTATION : posterior probabilities " "do not sum to 1.") if gs.any(gs.sum(posterior_probabilities, 0) < PDF_TOL): logging.warning( "EXPECTATION : Gaussian got no elements " "(precision error) reinitialize" ) posterior_probabilities[posterior_probabilities == 0] = PDF_TOL return posterior_probabilities def _maximization(self, data, posterior_probabilities): """Update function for the means and variances. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features,] Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. posterior_probabilities : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_gaussians,] Probability of a given sample to belong to a component of the GMM, computed for all components. """ self._update_posterior_probabilities(posterior_probabilities) self._update_means(data, posterior_probabilities) self._update_variances(data, posterior_probabilities) def _initialization(self, X): if self.initialisation_method == "kmeans": kmeans_estimator = RiemannianKMeans(, n_clusters=self.n_gaussians, init="random", ) cluster_centers = kmeans_estimator.cluster_centers_ labels = kmeans_estimator.labels_ means = cluster_centers variances = gs.zeros(self.n_gaussians) labeled_data = gs.vstack([labels, gs.transpose(X)]) labeled_data = gs.transpose(labeled_data) for label, cluster_center in enumerate(cluster_centers): label_mask = gs.where(labeled_data[:, 0] == label) grouped_by_label = labeled_data[label_mask][:, 1:] v = variance(, grouped_by_label, cluster_center) if grouped_by_label.shape[0] == 1: v += MIN_VAR_INIT variances[label] = v else: dim =[-1] means = (gs.random.rand(self.n_gaussians, dim) - 0.5) / dim variances = gs.random.rand(self.n_gaussians) / 10 + 0.8 return means, variances
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """Fit a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) given the data. Alternates between Expectation and Maximization steps for some number of iterations. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features. y : None Target values. Ignored. Returns ------- self : object Returns self. """ self._model.means, self._model.variances = self._initialization(X) self.mixture_coefficients_ = gs.ones(self.n_gaussians) / self.n_gaussians posterior_probabilities = gs.ones((X.shape[0], self.n_gaussians)) for epoch in range(self.max_iter): old_posterior_probabilities = posterior_probabilities posterior_probabilities = self._expectation(X) condition = gs.mean( gs.abs(old_posterior_probabilities - posterior_probabilities) ) if condition < self.conv_rate and epoch > self.minimum_epochs:"EM converged in %s iterations", epoch) break self._maximization(X, posterior_probabilities) else: "WARNING: EM did not converge \nPlease increase MINIMUM_EPOCHS." ) return self