Source code for geomstats.geometry.product_hpd_and_siegel_disks
"""The ProductHPDMatricesAndSiegelDisks manifold.
The ProductHPDMatricesAndSiegelDisks manifold is defined as a
product manifold of the HPD manifold and (n-1) Siegel disks.
The HPD Siegel disks product has a product metric.
The product metric on the HPD Siegel disks product space is the usual
HPD matrices affine-invariant metric (with power affine parameter equal 1)
and Siegel metrics multiplied by constants.
This product manifold can be used to represent Block-Toeplitz HPD matrices.
Lead author: Yann Cabanes.
.. [Cabanes2022] Yann Cabanes. Multidimensional complex stationary
centered Gaussian autoregressive time series machine learning
in Poincaré and Siegel disks: application for audio and radar
clutter classification, PhD thesis, 2022
.. [Cabanes2021] Yann Cabanes and Frank Nielsen.
New theoreticla tools in the Siegel space for vectorial
autoregressive data classification,
Geometric Science of Information, 2021.
.. [JV2016] B. Jeuris and R. Vandebril. The Kahler mean of Block-Toeplitz
matrices with Toeplitz structured blocks, 2016.
from geomstats.geometry.hpd_matrices import HPDMatrices
from geomstats.geometry.product_manifold import ProductManifold, ProductRiemannianMetric
from geomstats.geometry.scalar_product_metric import ScalarProductMetric
from geomstats.geometry.siegel import Siegel
class ProductHPDMatricesAndSiegelDisks(ProductManifold):
"""Class for the ProductHPDMatricesAndSiegelDisks manifold.
The HPD and Siegel product manifold is a direct product of the HPD manifold
and (n-1) Siegel disks. Each manifold of the product is a square matrix
manifold of the same dimension.
n_manifolds : int
Number of manifolds of the product.
n : int
Size of the matrices.
def __init__(self, n_manifolds, n, equip=True):
self.n_manifolds = n_manifolds
self.n = n
factors = [HPDMatrices(n=n)] + [Siegel(n=n) for _ in range((n_manifolds - 1))]
scales = [float(n_manifolds - i_manifold) for i_manifold in range(n_manifolds)]
for factor, scale in zip(factors[1:], scales[1:]):
factor.equip_with_metric(ScalarProductMetric(factor, scale))
def default_metric():
"""Metric to equip the space with if equip is True."""
return ProductHPDMatricesAndSiegelDisksMetric
class ProductHPDMatricesAndSiegelDisksMetric(ProductRiemannianMetric):
"""Class defining the ProductHPDMatricesAndSiegelDisks metric.
The HPD Siegel disks product metric is a product of the HPD metric
and (n-1) Siegel metrics, each of them being multiplied by a specific
constant factor (see [Cabanes2022]_, [Cabanes2021]_ and [JV2016]_).
This metric comes from a model used to represent multidimensional complex
stationary centered Gaussian autoregressive times series.
A multidimensional times series can be seen as a realization of
a multidimensional complex Gaussian distributions with zero mean,
a block-Toeplitz HPD covariance matrix and a zero relation matrix.
The ProductHPDMatricesAndSiegelDisks metric is inspired by information geometry
on this specific set of Gaussian distributions.
.. [Cabanes2022] Yann Cabanes. Multidimensional complex stationary
centered Gaussian autoregressive time series machine learning
in Poincaré and Siegel disks: application for audio and radar
clutter classification, PhD thesis, 2022
.. [Cabanes2021] Yann Cabanes and Frank Nielsen.
New theoreticla tools in the Siegel space for vectorial
autoregressive data classification,
Geometric Science of Information, 2021.
.. [JV2016] B. Jeuris and R. Vandebril. The Kahler mean of Block-Toeplitz
matrices with Toeplitz structured blocks, 2016.