"""Kendall Pre-Shape space.
Lead authors: Elodie Maignant and Nicolas Guigui.
import geomstats.backend as gs
from geomstats.geometry.base import LevelSet
from geomstats.geometry.fiber_bundle import FiberBundle
from geomstats.geometry.hypersphere import Hypersphere
from geomstats.geometry.manifold import register_quotient
from geomstats.geometry.matrices import FlattenDiffeo, Matrices
from geomstats.geometry.pullback_metric import PullbackDiffeoMetric
from geomstats.geometry.quotient_metric import QuotientMetric
from geomstats.integrator import integrate
from geomstats.vectorization import get_batch_shape, repeat_out
class PreShapeSpace(LevelSet):
r"""Class for the Kendall pre-shape space.
The pre-shape space is the sphere of the space of centered k-ad of
landmarks in :math:`R^m` (for the Frobenius norm). It is endowed with the
spherical Procrustes metric d(x, y):= arccos(tr(xy^t)).
Points are represented by :math:`k \times m` centred matrices as in
[Nava]_. Beware that this is not the usual convention from the literature.
k_landmarks : int
Number of landmarks
ambient_dim : int
Number of coordinates of each landmark.
.. [Nava] Nava-Yazdani, E., H.-C. Hege, T. J.Sullivan, and C. von Tycowicz.
“Geodesic Analysis in Kendall’s Shape Space with Epidemiological
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 62, no. 4 549–59.
def __init__(self, k_landmarks, ambient_dim, equip=True):
self.k_landmarks = k_landmarks
self.ambient_dim = ambient_dim
self._sphere = Hypersphere(dim=ambient_dim * k_landmarks - 1)
dim=ambient_dim * (k_landmarks - 1) - 1,
def _get_total_space_metric(self):
return (
if hasattr(self.metric, "_total_space")
else self.metric
def new(self, equip=True):
"""Create manifold with same parameters."""
return PreShapeSpace(
k_landmarks=self.k_landmarks, ambient_dim=self.ambient_dim, equip=equip
def default_metric():
"""Metric to equip the space with if equip is True."""
return PreShapeMetric
def _define_embedding_space(self):
return Matrices(self.k_landmarks, self.ambient_dim)
def submersion(self, point):
"""Submersion that defines the manifold.
point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
submersion : array-like, shape=[...]
return self.embedding_space.metric.squared_norm(point) - 1.0
def tangent_submersion(self, vector, point):
"""Tangent submersion.
vector : array-like, shape=[..., dim+1]
point : array-like, shape=[..., dim+1]
tangent_submersion : array-like, shape=[...]
return self.embedding_space.metric.inner_product(vector, point)
def projection(self, point):
"""Project a point on the pre-shape space.
point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point in Matrices space.
projected_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point projected on the pre-shape space.
* Requires space to be equipped.
total_space_metric = self._get_total_space_metric()
centered_point = self.center(point)
frob_norm = total_space_metric.norm(centered_point)
return gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", 1.0 / frob_norm, centered_point)
def random_point(self, n_samples=1, bound=1.0):
"""Sample in the pre-shape space from the uniform distribution.
n_samples : int
Number of samples.
Optional, default: 1.
bound : float
Not used.
samples : array-like, shape=[..., dim + 1]
Points sampled on the pre-shape space.
return self.random_uniform(n_samples)
def is_centered(point, atol=gs.atol):
"""Check that landmarks are centered around 0.
point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point in Matrices space.
atol : float
Tolerance at which to evaluate mean == 0.
Optional, default: backend atol.
is_centered : array-like, shape=[...,]
Boolean evaluating if point is centered.
mean = gs.mean(point, axis=-2)
return gs.all(gs.isclose(mean, 0.0, atol=atol), axis=-1)
def center(point):
"""Center landmarks around 0.
point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point in Matrices space.
centered : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point with centered landmarks.
mean = gs.mean(point, axis=-2)
return point - mean[..., None, :]
def to_tangent(self, vector, base_point):
"""Project a vector to the tangent space.
Project a vector in the embedding matrix space
to the tangent space of the pre-shape space at a base point.
vector : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Vector in Matrix space.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point on the pre-shape space defining the tangent space,
where the vector will be projected.
tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector in the tangent space of the pre-shape space
at the base point.
* Requires space to be equipped.
if not gs.all(self.is_centered(base_point)):
raise ValueError("The base_point does not belong to the pre-shape space")
total_space_metric = self._get_total_space_metric()
vector = self.center(vector)
sq_norm = Matrices.frobenius_product(base_point, base_point)
inner_prod = total_space_metric.inner_product(base_point, vector)
coef = inner_prod / sq_norm
return vector - gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", coef, base_point)
class PreShapeBundle(FiberBundle):
r"""Class for the Kendall pre-shape space bundle."""
def align(self, point, base_point):
"""Align point to base_point.
Find the optimal rotation R in SO(m) such that the base point and
R.point are well positioned.
point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point on the manifold.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point on the manifold.
aligned : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
return Matrices.align_matrices(point, base_point)
def vertical_projection(self, tangent_vec, base_point, return_skew=False):
r"""Project to vertical subspace.
Compute the vertical component of a tangent vector :math:`w` at a
base point :math:`x` by solving the sylvester equation:
.. math::
Axx^T + xx^TA = wx^T - xw^T
where `A` is skew-symmetric.
Then `Ax` is the vertical projection of `w`.
tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector to the pre-shape space at `base_point`.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point on the pre-shape space.
return_skew : bool
Whether to return the skew-symmetric matrix A.
Optional, default: False
vertical : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Vertical component of `tangent_vec`.
skew : array-like, shape=[..., ambient_dim, ambient_dim]
Vertical component of `tangent_vec`.
transposed_point = Matrices.transpose(base_point)
left_term = gs.matmul(transposed_point, base_point)
alignment = gs.matmul(Matrices.transpose(tangent_vec), base_point)
right_term = alignment - Matrices.transpose(alignment)
skew = gs.linalg.solve_sylvester(left_term, left_term, right_term)
vertical = -gs.matmul(base_point, skew)
return (vertical, skew) if return_skew else vertical
def is_horizontal(self, tangent_vec, base_point, atol=gs.atol):
"""Check whether the tangent vector is horizontal at base_point.
tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point on the manifold.
Optional, default: none.
atol : float
Absolute tolerance.
Optional, default: backend atol.
is_tangent : bool
Boolean denoting if tangent vector is horizontal.
product = gs.matmul(Matrices.transpose(tangent_vec), base_point)
is_tangent = self._total_space.is_tangent(tangent_vec, base_point, atol)
is_symmetric = Matrices.is_symmetric(product, atol)
return gs.logical_and(is_tangent, is_symmetric)
def integrability_tensor(self, tangent_vec_x, tangent_vec_e, base_point):
r"""Compute the fundamental tensor A of the submersion.
The fundamental tensor A is defined for tangent vectors of the total
space by [ONeill]_
:math:`A_X Y = ver\nabla^M_{hor X}(hor Y) + hor \nabla^M_{hor X}(ver Y)`
where :math:`hor, ver` are the horizontal and vertical projections.
For the Kendall shape space, we have the closed-form expression at
base-point P [Pennec]_:
:math:`A_X E = P Sylv_P(E^\top hor(X)) + F + <F,P> P` where
:math:`F = hor(X) Sylv_P(P^\top E)` and :math:`Sylv_P(B)` is the
unique skew-symmetric matrix :math:`\Omega` solution of
:math:`P^\top P \Omega + \Omega P^\top P = B - B^\top`.
tangent_vec_x : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
tangent_vec_e : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point of the total space.
vector : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of the A tensor applied to
`tangent_vec_x` and `tangent_vec_e`.
.. [ONeill] O’Neill, Barrett. The Fundamental Equations of a
Submersion, Michigan Mathematical Journal 13, no. 4
(December 1966): 459–69. https://doi.org/10.1307/mmj/1028999604.
.. [Pennec] Pennec, Xavier. Computing the curvature and its gradient
in Kendall shape spaces. Unpublished.
hor_x = self.horizontal_projection(tangent_vec_x, base_point)
p_top = Matrices.transpose(base_point)
p_top_p = gs.matmul(p_top, base_point)
def sylv_p(mat_b):
"""Solves Sylvester equation for vertical component."""
return gs.linalg.solve_sylvester(
p_top_p, p_top_p, mat_b - Matrices.transpose(mat_b)
e_top_hor_x = gs.matmul(Matrices.transpose(tangent_vec_e), hor_x)
sylv_e_top_hor_x = sylv_p(e_top_hor_x)
p_top_e = gs.matmul(p_top, tangent_vec_e)
sylv_p_top_e = sylv_p(p_top_e)
return gs.matmul(base_point, sylv_e_top_hor_x) + gs.matmul(hor_x, sylv_p_top_e)
def integrability_tensor_derivative(
r"""Compute the covariant derivative of the integrability tensor A.
The horizontal covariant derivative :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y E)` is
necessary to compute the covariant derivative of the curvature in a
The components :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y E)` and :math:`A_Y E` are
computed here for the Kendall shape space at base-point
:math:`P = base\_point` for horizontal vector fields fields :math:
`X, Y` extending the values :math:`X|_P = horizontal\_vec\_x`,
:math:`Y|_P = horizontal\_vec\_y` and a general vector field
:math:`E` extending :math:`E|_P = tangent\_vec\_e` in a neighborhood
of the base-point P with covariant derivatives
:math:`\nabla_X Y |_P = nabla_x y` and
:math:`\nabla_X E |_P = nabla_x e`.
horizontal_vec_x : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Horizontal tangent vector at `base_point`.
horizontal_vec_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Horizontal tangent vector at `base_point`.
nabla_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
tangent_vec_e : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
nabla_x_e : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point of the total space.
nabla_x_a_y_e : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`\nabla_X^S
(A_Y E)`.
a_y_e : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`A_Y E`.
.. [Pennec] Pennec, Xavier. Computing the curvature and its gradient
in Kendall shape spaces. Unpublished.
if not gs.all(self._total_space.belongs(base_point)):
raise ValueError("The base_point does not belong to the pre-shape space")
if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_x, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Tangent vector x is not horizontal")
if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_y, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Tangent vector y is not horizontal")
if not gs.all(self._total_space.is_tangent(nabla_x_y, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Vector nabla_x_y is not tangent")
a_x_y = self.integrability_tensor(
horizontal_vec_x, horizontal_vec_y, base_point
if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(nabla_x_y - a_x_y, base_point)):
raise ValueError(
"Tangent vector nabla_x_y is not the gradient "
"of a horizontal distribution"
if not gs.all(self._total_space.is_tangent(tangent_vec_e, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Tangent vector e is not tangent")
if not gs.all(self._total_space.is_tangent(nabla_x_e, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Vector nabla_x_e is not tangent")
p_top = Matrices.transpose(base_point)
p_top_p = gs.matmul(p_top, base_point)
e_top = Matrices.transpose(tangent_vec_e)
x_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_x)
y_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_y)
def sylv_p(mat_b):
"""Solves Sylvester equation for vertical component."""
return gs.linalg.solve_sylvester(
p_top_p, p_top_p, mat_b - Matrices.transpose(mat_b)
omega_ep = sylv_p(gs.matmul(p_top, tangent_vec_e))
omega_ye = sylv_p(gs.matmul(e_top, horizontal_vec_y))
tangent_vec_b = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_x, omega_ye)
tangent_vec_e_sym = tangent_vec_e - 2.0 * gs.matmul(base_point, omega_ep)
a_y_e = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_ye) + gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, omega_ep)
tmp_tangent_vec_p = (
gs.matmul(e_top, nabla_x_y)
- gs.matmul(y_top, nabla_x_e)
- 2.0 * gs.matmul(p_top, tangent_vec_b)
tmp_tangent_vec_y = gs.matmul(p_top, nabla_x_e) + gs.matmul(
x_top, tangent_vec_e_sym
scal_x_a_y_e = self._total_space.metric.inner_product(
horizontal_vec_x, a_y_e, base_point
nabla_x_a_y_e = (
gs.matmul(base_point, sylv_p(tmp_tangent_vec_p))
+ gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, sylv_p(tmp_tangent_vec_y))
+ gs.matmul(nabla_x_y, omega_ep)
+ tangent_vec_b
+ gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", scal_x_a_y_e, base_point)
return nabla_x_a_y_e, a_y_e
def integrability_tensor_derivative_parallel(
self, horizontal_vec_x, horizontal_vec_y, horizontal_vec_z, base_point
r"""Compute derivative of the integrability tensor A (special case).
The horizontal covariant derivative :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y Z)` of the
integrability tensor A may be computed more efficiently in the case of
parallel vector fields in the quotient space.
:math:`\nabla_X (A_Y Z)` and :math:`A_Y Z` are computed here for the
Kendall shape space with quotient-parallel vector fields :math:`X,
Y, Z` extending the values horizontal_vec_x, horizontal_vec_y and
horizontal_vec_z by parallel transport in a neighborhood of the
base-space. Such vector fields verify :math:`\nabla_X^X = A_X X =
0`, :math:`\nabla_X^Y = A_X Y` and similarly for Z.
horizontal_vec_x : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
horizontal_vec_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
horizontal_vec_z : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point of the total space.
nabla_x_a_y_z : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
:math:`\nabla_X (A_Y Z)` with `X = horizontal_vec_x`,
`Y = horizontal_vec_y` and `Z = horizontal_vec_z`.
a_y_z : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`A_Y Z`
with `Y = horizontal_vec_y` and `Z = horizontal_vec_z`.
.. [Pennec] Pennec, Xavier. Computing the curvature and its gradient
in Kendall shape spaces. Unpublished.
# Vectors X and Y have to be horizontal.
if not gs.all(self._total_space.is_centered(base_point)):
raise ValueError("The base_point does not belong to the pre-shape space")
if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_x, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Tangent vector x is not horizontal")
if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_y, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Tangent vector y is not horizontal")
if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_z, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Tangent vector z is not horizontal")
p_top = Matrices.transpose(base_point)
p_top_p = gs.matmul(p_top, base_point)
def sylv_p(mat_b):
"""Solves Sylvester equation for vertical component."""
return gs.linalg.solve_sylvester(
p_top_p, p_top_p, mat_b - Matrices.transpose(mat_b)
z_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_z)
y_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_y)
omega_yz = sylv_p(gs.matmul(z_top, horizontal_vec_y))
a_y_z = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_yz)
omega_xy = sylv_p(gs.matmul(y_top, horizontal_vec_x))
omega_xz = sylv_p(gs.matmul(z_top, horizontal_vec_x))
omega_yz_x = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_x, omega_yz)
omega_xz_y = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, omega_xz)
omega_xy_z = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_z, omega_xy)
tangent_vec_f = 2.0 * omega_yz_x + omega_xz_y - omega_xy_z
omega_fp = sylv_p(gs.matmul(p_top, tangent_vec_f))
omega_fp_p = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_fp)
nabla_x_a_y_z = omega_yz_x - omega_fp_p
return nabla_x_a_y_z, a_y_z
def iterated_integrability_tensor_derivative_parallel(
self, horizontal_vec_x, horizontal_vec_y, base_point
r"""Compute iterated derivatives of the integrability tensor A.
The iterated horizontal covariant derivative
:math:`\nabla_X (A_Y A_X Y)` (where :math:`X` and :math:`Y` are
horizontal vector fields) is a key ingredient in the computation of
the covariant derivative of the directional curvature in a submersion.
The components :math:`\nabla_X (A_Y A_X Y)`, :math:`A_X A_Y A_X Y`,
:math:`\nabla_X (A_X Y)`, and intermediate computations
:math:`A_Y A_X Y` and :math:`A_X Y` are computed here for the
Kendall shape space in the special case of quotient-parallel vector
fields :math:`X, Y` extending the values horizontal_vec_x and
horizontal_vec_y by parallel transport in a neighborhood.
Such vector fields verify :math:`\nabla_X^X = A_X X` and
:math:`\nabla_X^Y = A_X Y`.
horizontal_vec_x : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
horizontal_vec_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point of the total space.
nabla_x_a_y_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
:math:`\nabla_X^S (A_Y A_X Y)` with
`X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
a_x_a_y_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
:math:`A_X A_Y A_X Y` with
`X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
nabla_x_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of
:math:`\nabla_X^S (A_X Y)` with
`X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
a_y_a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`A_Y A_X Y` with
`X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
a_x_y : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`, result of :math:`A_X Y` with
`X = horizontal_vec_x` and `Y = horizontal_vec_y`.
.. [Pennec] Pennec, Xavier. Computing the curvature and its gradient
in Kendall shape spaces. Unpublished.
if not gs.all(self._total_space.is_centered(base_point)):
raise ValueError("The base_point does not belong to the pre-shape space")
if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_x, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Tangent vector x is not horizontal")
if not gs.all(self.is_horizontal(horizontal_vec_y, base_point)):
raise ValueError("Tangent vector y is not horizontal")
p_top = Matrices.transpose(base_point)
p_top_p = gs.matmul(p_top, base_point)
def sylv_p(mat_b):
"""Solves Sylvester equation for vertical component."""
return gs.linalg.solve_sylvester(
p_top_p, p_top_p, mat_b - Matrices.transpose(mat_b)
y_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_y)
x_top = Matrices.transpose(horizontal_vec_x)
x_y_top = gs.matmul(y_top, horizontal_vec_x)
omega_xy = sylv_p(x_y_top)
vertical_vec_v = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_xy)
omega_xy_x = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_x, omega_xy)
omega_xy_y = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, omega_xy)
v_top = Matrices.transpose(vertical_vec_v)
x_v_top = gs.matmul(v_top, horizontal_vec_x)
omega_xv = sylv_p(x_v_top)
omega_xv_p = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_xv)
y_v_top = gs.matmul(v_top, horizontal_vec_y)
omega_yv = sylv_p(y_v_top)
omega_yv_p = gs.matmul(base_point, omega_yv)
nabla_x_v = 3.0 * omega_xv_p + omega_xy_x
a_y_a_x_y = omega_yv_p + omega_xy_y
tmp_mat = gs.matmul(x_top, a_y_a_x_y)
a_x_a_y_a_x_y = -gs.matmul(base_point, sylv_p(tmp_mat))
omega_xv_y = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_y, omega_xv)
omega_yv_x = gs.matmul(horizontal_vec_x, omega_yv)
omega_xy_v = gs.matmul(vertical_vec_v, omega_xy)
norms = Matrices.frobenius_product(vertical_vec_v, vertical_vec_v)
sq_norm_v_p = gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", norms, base_point)
tmp_mat = gs.matmul(p_top, 3.0 * omega_xv_y + 2.0 * omega_yv_x) + gs.matmul(
y_top, omega_xy_x
nabla_x_a_y_v = (
3.0 * omega_xv_y
+ omega_yv_x
+ omega_xy_v
- gs.matmul(base_point, sylv_p(tmp_mat))
+ sq_norm_v_p
return nabla_x_a_y_v, a_x_a_y_a_x_y, nabla_x_v, a_y_a_x_y, vertical_vec_v
class PreShapeMetric(PullbackDiffeoMetric):
"""Procrustes metric on the pre-shape space."""
def __init__(self, space):
k_landmarks, ambient_dim = space.shape
diffeo=FlattenDiffeo(k_landmarks, ambient_dim),
def curvature_derivative(
r"""Compute the covariant derivative of the curvature.
For four vectors fields :math:`H|_P =` `tangent_vec_a`,
:math:`X|_P =` `tangent_vec_b`, :math:`Y|_P =` `tangent_vec_c`,
:math:`Z|_P =` `tangent_vec_d` with
tangent vector value specified in argument at the `base_point` :math:`P`,
the covariant derivative of the curvature
:math:`(\nabla_H R)(X, Y) Z |_P` is computed at the `base_point` :math:`P`.
Since the sphere is a constant curvature space this vanishes identically.
tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point` along which the curvature is
tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Unused tangent vector at `base_point` (since curvature derivative
tangent_vec_c : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Unused tangent vector at `base_point` (since curvature derivative
tangent_vec_d : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Unused tangent vector at `base_point` (since curvature derivative
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Unused point on the group.
curvature_derivative : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
batch_shape = get_batch_shape(
return gs.zeros(batch_shape + self._space.shape)
def injectivity_radius(self, base_point=None):
"""Compute the radius of the injectivity domain.
This is is the supremum of radii r for which the exponential map is a
diffeomorphism from the open ball of radius r centered at the base
point onto its image.
In the case of the sphere, it does not depend on the base point and is
Pi everywhere.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point on the manifold.
radius : float
Injectivity radius.
radius = gs.array(gs.pi)
return repeat_out(self._space.point_ndim, radius, base_point)
class KendallShapeMetric(QuotientMetric):
"""Quotient metric on the shape space.
The Kendall shape space is obtained by taking the quotient of the
pre-shape space by the space of rotations of the ambient space.
def directional_curvature_derivative(
self, tangent_vec_a, tangent_vec_b, base_point=None
r"""Compute the covariant derivative of the directional curvature.
For two vectors fields :math:`X|_P =` `tangent_vec_a`,
:math:`Y|_P =` `tangent_vec_b` with tangent vector value specified in argument
at the `base_point` :math:`P`,
the covariant derivative (in the direction :math:`X`)
:math:`(\nabla_X R_Y)(X) |_P = (\nabla_X R)(Y, X) Y |_P` of the
directional curvature (in the direction :math:`Y`)
:math:`R_Y(X) = R(Y, X) Y` is a quadratic tensor in :math:`X` and :math:`Y`
that plays an important role in the computation of the moments of the
empirical Fréchet mean [Pennec]_.
In more details, let :math:`X, Y` be the horizontal lift of parallel
vector fields extending the tangent vectors given in argument by
parallel transport in a neighborhood of the `base_point` :math:`P` in the
base-space. Such vector fields verify :math:`\nabla^T_X X=0` and
:math:`\nabla^T_X Y = A_X Y` using the connection :math:`\nabla^T`
of the total space. Then the covariant derivative of the
directional curvature tensor is given by
:math:`\nabla_X (R_Y(X)) = hor \nabla^T_X (R^T_Y(X)) - A_X( ver R^T_Y(X))
- 3 (\nabla_X^T A_Y A_X Y - A_X A_Y A_X Y )`, where :math:`R^T_Y(X)`
is the directional curvature tensor of the total space.
tangent_vec_a : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
tangent_vec_b : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point on the group.
curvature_derivative : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point`.
horizontal_x = self._fiber_bundle.horizontal_projection(
tangent_vec_a, base_point
horizontal_y = self._fiber_bundle.horizontal_projection(
tangent_vec_b, base_point
) = self._fiber_bundle.iterated_integrability_tensor_derivative_parallel(
horizontal_x, horizontal_y, base_point
return 3.0 * (nabla_x_a_y_a_x_y - a_x_a_y_a_x_y)
def parallel_transport(
r"""Compute the parallel transport of a tangent vec along a geodesic.
Approximation of the solution of the parallel transport of a tangent
vector a along the geodesic between two points `base_point` and
`end_point` or alternatively defined by
:math:`t\mapsto exp_{(base\_point)}(t*direction)`
tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector at `base_point` to transport.
base_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Initial point of the geodesic to transport along.
direction : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Tangent vector ar `base_point`, initial velocity of the geodesic to
transport along.
Optional, default: None.
end_point : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Point to transport to. Unused if `tangent_vec_b` is given.
Optional, default: None.
n_steps : int
Number of steps to use to approximate the solution of the
ordinary differential equation.
Optional, default: 100.
step : str, {'euler', 'rk2', 'rk4'}
Scheme to use in the integration scheme.
Optional, default: 'rk4'.
transported : array-like, shape=[..., k_landmarks, ambient_dim]
Transported tangent vector at `exp_(base_point)(tangent_vec_b)`.
.. [GMTP21] Guigui, Nicolas, Elodie Maignant, Alain Trouvé, and Xavier
Pennec. “Parallel Transport on Kendall Shape Spaces.”
5th conference on Geometric Science of Information,
Paris 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
Springer, 2021. https://hal.inria.fr/hal-03160677.
See Also
Integration module: geomstats.integrator
if direction is None:
if end_point is not None:
direction = self.log(end_point, base_point)
raise ValueError(
"Either an end_point or a tangent_vec_b must be given to define the"
" geodesic along which to transport."
horizontal_a = self._fiber_bundle.horizontal_projection(tangent_vec, base_point)
horizontal_b = self._fiber_bundle.horizontal_projection(direction, base_point)
def force(state, time):
gamma_t = self._total_space.metric.exp(time * horizontal_b, base_point)
speed = self._total_space.metric.parallel_transport(
horizontal_b, base_point, time * horizontal_b
coef = self.inner_product(speed, state, gamma_t)
normal = gs.einsum("...,...ij->...ij", coef, gamma_t)
align = gs.matmul(Matrices.transpose(speed), state)
right = align - Matrices.transpose(align)
left = gs.matmul(Matrices.transpose(gamma_t), gamma_t)
skew_ = gs.linalg.solve_sylvester(left, left, right)
vertical_ = -gs.matmul(gamma_t, skew_)
return vertical_ - normal
flow = integrate(force, horizontal_a, n_steps=n_steps, step=step)
return flow[-1]