"""Open hemisphere.
For more details, check section 7.4.1 of [T2022]_.
Lead author: Olivier Bisson.
.. [T2022] Yann Thanwerdas. Riemannian and stratified
geometries on covariance and correlation matrices. Differential
Geometry [math.DG]. Université Côte d'Azur, 2022.
import geomstats.backend as gs
from geomstats.geometry.base import OpenSet
from geomstats.geometry.diffeo import InvolutionDiffeomorphism
from geomstats.geometry.hyperboloid import Hyperboloid
from geomstats.geometry.hypersphere import Hypersphere
from geomstats.geometry.product_manifold import ProductManifold, ProductRiemannianMetric
from geomstats.geometry.pullback_metric import PullbackDiffeoMetric
class OpenHemisphereToHyperboloidDiffeo(InvolutionDiffeomorphism):
"""A diffeomorphism between the open hemisphere and the hyperboloid."""
def __call__(self, base_point):
"""Diffeomorphism at base point."""
return_point = gs.copy(base_point)
return_point[..., 0] = 1.0
first_term = base_point[..., 0]
return gs.einsum("...,...i->...i", 1 / first_term, return_point)
def tangent(self, tangent_vec, base_point=None, image_point=None):
"""Tangent diffeomorphism at base point."""
if base_point is None:
base_point = self.inverse(image_point)
coeffs = tangent_vec[..., 0] / base_point[..., 0]
image_tangent_vec_0 = gs.array(-tangent_vec[..., 0] / base_point[..., 0])
image_tangent_vec_other = tangent_vec[..., 1:] - gs.einsum(
"...,...i->...i", coeffs, base_point[..., 1:]
image_tangent_vec = gs.concatenate(
[gs.expand_dims(image_tangent_vec_0, axis=-1), image_tangent_vec_other],
return gs.einsum("...,...i->...i", 1 / base_point[..., 0], image_tangent_vec)
class OpenHemisphere(OpenSet):
r"""Open hemisphere.
An open set of the hypersphere where the first coordinate is always
.. math::
\mathrm{HS}^{k-1}=\left\{x \in \mathbb{R}^k: \|x\|=1
\text { and } x_0>0\right\}
def __init__(self, dim, equip=True):
self.dim = dim
embedding_space=Hypersphere(dim, equip=equip),
def default_metric():
"""Metric to equip the space with if equip is True."""
return OpenHemispherePullbackMetric
def belongs(self, point, atol=gs.atol):
"""Check if a point belongs to the open hemisphere."""
is_on_sphere = self.embedding_space.belongs(point)
is_on_upper_part = gs.greater(point[..., 0], 0.0)
return gs.logical_and(is_on_sphere, is_on_upper_part)
def projection(self, point):
"""Project a point on the open hemisphere.
point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
Point in embedding hypersphere space.
projected_point : array-like, shape=[..., dim]
Point projected on the open hemisphere.
proj_point = self.embedding_space.projection(point)
proj_point[..., 0] = gs.abs(proj_point[..., 0])
return proj_point
class OpenHemispherePullbackMetric(PullbackDiffeoMetric):
"""Pullback diffeo metric for Open Hemisphere.
Pulls back metric from hyperboloid.
def __init__(self, space):
image_space = Hyperboloid(dim=space.dim)
diffeo = OpenHemisphereToHyperboloidDiffeo()
super().__init__(space=space, diffeo=diffeo, image_space=image_space)
class OpenHemispheresProduct(ProductManifold):
r"""A consecutively factor-dim increasing product manifold of open hemispheres.
.. math::
HS^1\times \dots \times HS(n)
def __init__(self, n, equip=True):
factors = [OpenHemisphere(dim=dim, equip=True) for dim in range(1, n)]
def default_metric():
"""Metric to equip the space with if equip is True."""
return OpenHemispheresProductMetric
class OpenHemispheresProductMetric(ProductRiemannianMetric):
"""Define the product metric on these manifolds."""