Source code for geomstats.geometry.manifold

"""Manifold module.

In other words, a topological space that locally resembles
Euclidean space near each point.

Lead author: Nina Miolane.

import abc
import inspect
import types

import geomstats.backend as gs
import geomstats.errors
from geomstats.geometry.fiber_bundle import FiberBundle
from geomstats.geometry.quotient_metric import QuotientMetric

[docs] class Manifold(abc.ABC): r"""Class for manifolds. Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimension of the manifold. shape : tuple of int Shape of one element of the manifold. Optional, default : None. intrinsic : bool Coordinate type. equip : bool If True, equip space with default metric. Attributes ---------- point_ndim : int Dimension of point array. """ def __init__( self, dim, shape, intrinsic=True, equip=True, ): geomstats.errors.check_integer(dim, "dim") if not isinstance(shape, tuple): raise ValueError("Expected a tuple for the shape argument.") self.dim = dim self.shape = shape self.intrinsic = intrinsic self.point_ndim = len(self.shape) if equip: self.equip_with_metric()
[docs] def equip_with_metric(self, Metric=None, **metric_kwargs): """Equip manifold with a Riemannian metric. Parameters ---------- Metric : RiemannianMetric object or instance or ScalarProductMetric instance If None, default metric will be used. """ if Metric is None: out = self.default_metric() if isinstance(out, tuple): Metric, kwargs = out kwargs.update(metric_kwargs) metric_kwargs = kwargs else: Metric = out if inspect.isclass(Metric): self.metric = Metric(self, **metric_kwargs) else: if self.metric._space is not self: raise ValueError( "Cannot equip space with metric instantiated with another space." ) self.metric = Metric return self
[docs] def equip_with_group_action(self, group_action): """Equip manifold with group action. Parameters ---------- group_action : str Group action. """ self.group_action = group_action return self
[docs] def equip_with_quotient(self): """Equip manifold with quotient structure. Creates attributes `quotient` and `fiber_bundle` or `aligner` ( `aligner` is used in quotient contexts where the notion of fiber bundle is not defined.). Returns ------- quotient : Manifold or None Quotient space equipped with a quotient metric. """ if not _QuotientStructureRegistry.has_quotient(self): raise ValueError("No quotient structure defined for this manifold.") FiberBundle_, QuotientMetric_ = ( _QuotientStructureRegistry.get_fiber_bundle_and_quotient_metric( self, ) ) fiber_bundle = FiberBundle_(total_space=self) if hasattr(fiber_bundle, "riemannian_submersion"): self.fiber_bundle = fiber_bundle else: self.aligner = fiber_bundle if QuotientMetric_ is None: return self.quotient = self.quotient.equip_with_metric(QuotientMetric_, total_space=self) return self.quotient
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def belongs(self, point, atol=gs.atol): """Evaluate if a point belongs to the manifold. Parameters ---------- point : array-like, shape=[..., *point_shape] Point to evaluate. atol : float Absolute tolerance. Optional, default: backend atol. Returns ------- belongs : array-like, shape=[...,] Boolean evaluating if point belongs to the manifold. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_tangent(self, vector, base_point=None, atol=gs.atol): """Check whether the vector is tangent at base_point. Parameters ---------- vector : array-like, shape=[..., *point_shape] Vector. base_point : array-like, shape=[..., *point_shape] Point on the manifold. atol : float Absolute tolerance. Optional, default: backend atol. Returns ------- is_tangent : bool Boolean denoting if vector is a tangent vector at the base point. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_tangent(self, vector, base_point=None): """Project a vector to a tangent space of the manifold. Parameters ---------- vector : array-like, shape=[..., *point_shape] Vector. base_point : array-like, shape=[..., *point_shape] Point on the manifold. Returns ------- tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., *point_shape] Tangent vector at base point. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def random_point(self, n_samples=1, bound=1.0): """Sample random points on the manifold according to some distribution. If the manifold is compact, preferably a uniform distribution will be used. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of samples. Optional, default: 1. bound : float Bound of the interval in which to sample for non compact manifolds. Optional, default: 1. Returns ------- samples : array-like, shape=[..., *point_shape] Points sampled on the manifold. """
[docs] def regularize(self, point): """Regularize a point to the canonical representation for the manifold. Parameters ---------- point : array-like, shape=[..., dim] Point. Returns ------- regularized_point : array-like, shape=[..., *point_shape] Regularized point. """ return gs.copy(point)
[docs] def random_tangent_vec(self, base_point=None, n_samples=1): """Generate random tangent vec. This method is not recommended for statistical purposes, as the tangent vectors generated are not drawn from a distribution related to the Riemannian metric. Parameters ---------- n_samples : int Number of samples. Optional, default: 1. base_point : array-like, shape={[n_samples, *point_shape], [*point_shape,]} Point. Returns ------- tangent_vec : array-like, shape=[..., *point_shape] Tangent vec at base point. """ if ( n_samples > 1 and base_point is not None and base_point.ndim > len(self.shape) and n_samples != len(base_point) ): raise ValueError( "The number of base points must be the same as the " "number of samples, when the number of base points is different from 1." ) batch_size = () if n_samples == 1 else (n_samples,) return self.to_tangent( gs.random.normal(size=batch_size + self.shape), base_point )
[docs] def projection(self, point): """Project a point to the manifold. Parameters ---------- point: array-like, shape[..., *point_shape] Point. Returns ------- point: array-like, shape[..., *point_shape] Point. """ if self.intrinsic: return gs.copy(point) raise NotImplementedError("`projection` is not implemented yet")
class _QuotientStructureRegistry: """Registry for quotient structures.""" STRUCTURES = {} @classmethod def _as_key(self, Obj): """Transform an instance of a class into a key. Parameters ---------- Obj : type or instance or str Returns ------- Obj : type or str Hashable object as used to create dict keys within STRUCTURES. """ if not ( inspect.isclass(Obj) or isinstance(Obj, types.FunctionType) or isinstance(Obj, (str, tuple)) ): return type(Obj) return Obj @classmethod def has_quotient(cls, Space): """Check if a given type has an associated quotient structure. Parameters ---------- Space : type or instance or str Returns ------- has_quotient : bool """ Space = cls._as_key(Space) for Space_, _, _ in cls.STRUCTURES.keys(): if Space_ is Space: return True return False @classmethod def get_available_quotients(cls, Space, Metric=None, GroupAction=None): """Get available quotient structures. Parameters ---------- Space : type or instance or str Metric : type or instance or str GroupAction : type or instance of str Returns ------- available_structures : list[tuple[type or str]] """ Space = cls._as_key(Space) structures = [] if Metric is None and GroupAction is None: for Space_, Metric_, GroupAction_ in cls.STRUCTURES.keys(): if Space_ is Space: structures.append((Metric_, GroupAction_)) return structures if Metric is not None and GroupAction is None: Metric = cls._as_key(Metric) for Space_, Metric_, GroupAction_ in cls.STRUCTURES.keys(): if Space_ is Space and Metric_ is Metric: structures.append((GroupAction_,)) if Metric is None and GroupAction is not None: GroupAction = cls._as_key(GroupAction) for Space_, Metric_, GroupAction_ in cls.STRUCTURES.keys(): if Space_ is Space and GroupAction_ is GroupAction: structures.append((Metric_,)) return structures @classmethod def get_fiber_bundle_and_quotient_metric(cls, Space, Metric=None, GroupAction=None): """Get fiber bundle and quotient metric. Checks are done along the way. Meaningful messages with available structures in raised errors. Parameters ---------- Space : type or instance or str Metric : type or instance or str Returns ------- FiberBundle : type QuotientMetric : type """ if (Metric is None or GroupAction is None) and inspect.isclass(Space): raise ValueError("Pass instantiated space or metric and group action info.") if Metric is None: Metric = getattr(Space, "metric", None) if GroupAction is None: GroupAction = getattr(Space, "group_action", None) for structure, structure_name in zip( [Metric, GroupAction], ["metric", "group_action"] ): if structure is None: available_structures = cls.get_available_quotients( Space, Metric=Metric, GroupAction=GroupAction ) structs_str = "\n\t".join( [ ", ".join(str(elem) for elem in struct) for struct in available_structures ] ) raise ValueError( f"Need to equip with `{structure_name}` first. " f"Available structures:\n\t{structs_str}" ) Space = cls._as_key(Space) Metric = cls._as_key(Metric) GroupAction = cls._as_key(GroupAction) key = (Space, Metric, GroupAction) out = cls.STRUCTURES.get(key, None) if out is None: if isinstance(GroupAction, tuple): return ( lambda *args, **kwargs: FiberBundle(*args, **kwargs, aligner=True), QuotientMetric, ) else: raise ValueError(f"No mapping for key: {key}") return out
[docs] def register_quotient(Space, Metric, GroupAction, FiberBundle, QuotientMetric=None): """Register quotient structure. Parameters ---------- Space : type or str Metric : type or str GroupAction : type or str FiberBundle : type or str QuotientMetric : type or str """ _QuotientStructureRegistry.STRUCTURES[(Space, Metric, GroupAction)] = ( FiberBundle, QuotientMetric, )