Source code for geomstats.geometry.hyperbolic

"""Common interface to hyperbolic spaces.

Lead author: Thomas Gerald.

import geomstats.errors as errors
from geomstats.geometry._hyperbolic import HyperbolicDiffeo  # noqa
from geomstats.geometry.hyperboloid import Hyperboloid
from geomstats.geometry.poincare_ball import PoincareBall
from geomstats.geometry.poincare_half_space import PoincareHalfSpace

[docs] class Hyperbolic: """Class for the n-dimensional Hyperbolic space. This class is a common interface to the different models of hyperbolic geometry: - the hyperboloid, embedded in Minkowski space of dimension dim + 1 as the set of points whose squared norm is equal to -1. This representation is called `extrinsic` here. - the Poincare ball, the open ball of the Euclidean space of dimension dim. - the Poincare half-space, the open space of points of the Euclidean space of dimension dim, whose last coordinate is positive. Parameters ---------- dim : int Dimension of the hyperbolic space. coords_type : str, {'extrinsic', 'ball', 'half-space'} Default coordinates to represent points in hyperbolic space. Optional, default: 'extrinsic'. """ def __new__(cls, dim, coords_type="extrinsic", equip=True): """Instantiate class that corresponds to the coords_type.""" errors.check_parameter_accepted_values( coords_type, "coords_type", ["extrinsic", "ball", "half-space"], ) if coords_type == "extrinsic": return Hyperboloid(dim, equip=equip) if coords_type == "ball": return PoincareBall(dim, equip=equip) return PoincareHalfSpace(dim, equip=equip)